Old Testament Theology

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Old Testament Theology


This paper intends to explore all about theological themes of Old Testament. The basic theme I have chosen is the theme of 'creation.' Creation is basically the most significant evidence of God's existence. The existence of God can easily be traced through His creations. The paper first gives an introduction to the theological themes of Old Testament. Various perspectives provided by Genesis are focused in the paper. Moreover, the theme of creation is explored with a viewpoint the Old Testament literature. Various opinions and ideas about creation from the perspectives of different prophets are also analyzed. The concept of God's person is further evaluated. Lastly, the literature related to the Old Testament theology has been analyzed. This paper is a useful read for those who wants to enhance their knowledge regarding the concepts of creation and God's power to create with the Old Testament perspective.

Table of Contents



Theme of Creation4

The Old Testament Literature5

Creation and God's Person7

Analysis of Literature9



Old Testament Theology


Old Testament theology basically deals with whatever God has revealed about Himself and His creations around the world. God is presented in an organized manner through various truths available in the Old Testament in regards with its theology. The basic theological theme of Old Testament is the creation of the world by God. The Old Testament creates path for the New Testament in relation with Jesus. I am adhering with the concept of 'Creation' in this research paper.

The concept of creation can be traced in the revelation of God in 'Genesis 1:1' when God claimed that He has created heavens and the earth initially. This concept is accepted by all the believers who have faith in God. God has revealed such things in Old Testament ranging from Genesis to Revelation through all the Scripture presented . The believers are strong with their concept that Bible is true which results in believing that all what God claims is essentially true and eternal. God and His creations are true in every aspect. God has revealed facts related to Himself, His creations, His qualities and His attributes. The theological theory of Old Testament is related to the relationship between God and His creations. History seems to be an important aspect of the Old Testament theology. Various covenants that exist between God and His creations are woven in Old Testament.


The theological theme of creation is provided by Genesis in two different times. God is referred to as 'Creator', Hebrew only used the word create in reference to God. Moreover, image of God is defined by analyzing His different creations. It is revealed that humans are differentiable from all the other creations of God since they have an ability to think and analyze situations critically. God has made immense amount of different creations. All creations are different from each other. For example, humans are entirely different from animals, their needs and requirements are completely differentiable . Humans can analyze things morally and they also have some sense of behaving in an ethical ...
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