New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity by Frank J. Matera
New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity by Frank J. Matera
In the summary, some values and quarters, NT scholarship extends in the disintegrative main headings boosted by postmodern pluralisms. Yet offsetting this centrifugal impulse is a centripetal propel affirming NT unity. Frank Matera's study adds to a sequence of works on NT theology that find more harmony than not in the canonical NT corpus. Like-minded scholars encompass Peter Balla, Peter Stuhlmacher, François Vouga, Ferdinand Hahn, Howard Marshall, and Frank Thielman. Matera makes a solid and insightful assistance to this increasing body of scholarly conviction. (Joel, 2003)
He has currently released associated monographs: New Testament Christology and New Testament Ethics. One senses that these topics are somewhat less famous in the work at hand than they warrant to be, possibly because the scribe senses he has currently addressed these subtopics amply elsewhere.
Critical Analysis
Matera's New Testament Theology unfolds in six parts. A considerable introduction reviews the annals of the control and esteem beginning with Gabler and supports Matera's own set about, which would drop in the general class of "historical-positive," utilizing L. Goppelt's taxonomy. While far from devotional in pitch or objective, the scribe starts with "the wish to present readers with a way to glimpse the entire image in order that they may stand in awe and marvel before the multifaceted secret that is God in Christ". One could desire that the last "that" were "who," but this still brands advancement in a control and esteem whose ideals have historic tempted authors to theological aridity if not sterility. (Beverly, 1995)
The beef of the work comprises of four parts: The Synoptic Tradition, The Pauline Tradition, The Johannine Tradition, and Other Voices. The section on the Book of Revelation is put inside Other Voices; if Matera had examined it as Johannine, his part on The Johannine Tradition would identical The Synoptic Tradition in length. Within each of the four components, Matera delicacies longer publications in distinct sections, examining each publication from the bend of a famous theme. So in part 1, he investigates Mark as "A Theology of the Kingdom of God," Matthew as "A Theology of the Righteousness of the Kingdom," and Luke-Acts as "A Theology of the Salvation the Kingdom Brings."
The addition of Luke-Acts inside "The Synoptic Tradition" is an intriguing ...