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Occupational Health Safety Management System

Occupational Health Safety Management System


The purpose of formulating the following report is to develop a plan that based on Occupational Health Safety Management System (OHSMS); therefore, to provide readers a proper understanding of the relevant concepts, an in-depth analysis of OHSMS is reviewed. OHSMS is a framework that allowed the organization to consistently work on indentifying and controlling the health and safety risks by reducing the potential for accidents and also focusing on achieving compliance according to health and safety legislation for a continuously improving performance.

Although, Occupational Health and Safety based on principles that highlighted by WHO and it states that promotion and protection of health of the workers by controlling and preventing them from occupational accidents and diseases and making working condition non-hazardous is the duty of employer. Secondly, development and promotion of healthy and safe work and maintaining safe working organization is part of management system. Thus, this paper formulated to provide readers a proper understanding of OHSMS.


Introduction of Nelson Chemicals

NELSON CHEMICALS is a well known name in the chemical industry. It is operational since three decades and is manufacturing dyes and paints which it supplies to various other companies. The company faces an immense challenge of the security and health issues of the employees. The occupational health and safety management plan will underline the basic points as to how to prevent the hazardous incidents.

Occupational Health Safety Management System

In the occupational health and safety management system, this have been working with risks or risk factors that cause a negative impact mainly on the health of employees or might it will generate a health impact or risk to health. In terms of methodology, the identification of the environmental health and safety management systems, occupational health, involves the identification of environmental aspects related to the state on health and disease, however, it is not equivalent to recognition systematic and prioritized health risks and quality of life. Alongside the definition of OHSMS (Occupational Health Safety Management System) management system risk prevention tells us that the management system is part of the overall environmental management system that facilitates risk management work associated with the business. This includes the definition of responsibilities and structure of the organization, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures and resources to develop, implement, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the policy of prevention of occupational hazards of the organization.

The Policy

The organization is committed to provide occupational health and safe environment to its employee. This will be achieved by:

Strictly complying with the statutory codes, standards, requirements and guidelines.

Aligning with the targets and objectives set with the aim to eliminate the work incidents in relation to the activities, services and products.

Defining the responsibilities and the roles for the occupational safety, health and environment.

The strategies will include

Ensuring occupational health, environment and safety management principles that are included in the organizational activities.

Continuously providing ongoing training and education to all the employees associated to the organization.

Consulting with the other parties and the employees to improvise on ...
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