Observation Paper

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Observation Paper

Observation Paper for a Preschool (Ages 3); Adolescent (Age 13); Late Adult (Age 61)

Observation Paper for a Preschool (Ages 3)

Learning and development are the concepts that are always attached with the human being. There are various theories and concepts that have been put forward by many theorists and philosophers. This paper talks about one of the theories of learning. This paper covers various aspects of cognitive theory.

Thesis Statement

The aim of this research is to track the development of cognitive theory, contribution of various theorists and its variegated practical implications in preschool children of ages up to 3 years.

Contributions of three theorists to develop the theory

The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980) has influenced the development of psychology in the field of cognitive development greatly. Development of stages of cognitive development is considered as an important contribution of Piaget in the development of cognitive theory (Baars, 2006). According to Piaget four main stages of cognitive development are sensor motor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations. In 1963, Bandura and Walters expanded cognitive learning theory principles through observational learning and vicarious amplification. Bandura's concept of self-efficacy became a source of understanding learning. He presented this self-efficacy concept in 1977, when he refuted the traditional learning theory (Restle, 2005).

Application of the theory by explaining, how permanent change in behavior takes place

Social cognitive idea can be utilized in the remedy of phobias. Many persons with phobias authentically desire to overwhelm them and have a powerful conviction in their proficiency to manage so. However, they get attached when seeking to unlearn the self-acting worry response. If there is a good connection of believe and rapport with the therapist, modeling the demeanor can help.

Observation Paper for Adolescent (Age 13)

The term cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to refer to a collection of specific strategies that share a number of defining themes and common characteristics. CBT interventions are now commonplace in corrections, and the empirical evidence clearly supports the effectiveness of CBT with offender populations.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy or, CBT) are a group of treatment of mental disorders (phobias , addiction , psychosis , depression , anxiety ...) who share an approach in which the therapy must be based on knowledge, derived of scientific psychology and obey protocols relatively standardized whose validity is said to be based on evidence . Standardizing the practice of CBT has contributed to the recognition of their effectiveness by their ...
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