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Sociology is based on the idea that human beings do not act on their own individual decisions, but according to cultural and historical influences and according to the wishes and expectations of the community in which they find themselves. Thus, the basic concept of sociology is social interaction or response between individuals, and that this interaction is the starting point for any relationship in a society.

Breaking a Norm

I was going to visit a relative and decided to buy a cake for them. At the cash counter, there was a long queue and I had to wait for about thirty minutes for my turn. I lost my patience and cut in the line in the front.

Observing People's Behavior

There are different ways of observing people's behavior to a social norm breaking. Following are the different perspectives which apply to the scenario of norm breaking discussed above.

Functionalist Perspective

According to the functionalist perspective, society is a system that is connected to different parts and that helps the system to remain and work in harmony and also ensures that a state of balance and social equilibrium is achieved. This perspective of sociology helps in explaining how the society reacts to different changes and how it helps the people in understanding the various perspectives of the social world. According to this perspective, people think that what I did was unethical and did not match the values and cultures of the society.

Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

Functionalist and conflict perspective of the society help in identifying the larger groups of the society and how they influence the way of working. On the other hand, the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective helps in focusing and pointing to the micro levels of the society. This perspective focuses on the self-concept i.e. how people develop themselves and how they take steps for the improvement of their own personality. It also emphasizes on the fact that how individuals in the society help in identifying themselves and also how they contribute to the society as a whole. According to this perspective, people should lead their life while keeping in mind the needs of others and also help them in ensuring a good and ethical way of life.

Contemporary Social Issues

Connor Mills defined sociological imagination as 'the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society.' There are a number of social issues and the ones related to the event discussed are mentioned below:


The inequality refers to differences in the distribution of wealth, income, power, prestige, opportunities, information, technology, knowledge, welfare levels and access to security and justice among individuals and families.

Social Effects

Segmentation of the supply of services and products.

Fragmentation and social disintegration.

Generates conflict, resentment, conflict of interests and social violence.

Fertile ground for corruption, impunity and political patronage.


Discrimination means unequal treatment and opportunity motivated by reasons of age, sex, ethnicity, race, religion, political opinion or sexual orientation. It refers to the subordination, unequal and unfair treatment and lack of respect for human rights in living women, young girls and children, older ...
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