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Obesity Among Latino Children

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Obesity among Latino children



I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dissertation supervisor who has always shown confidence in me. He has offered his patience, remarks, propositions and understanding. Here I would also like to mention my parents who have always believed in me for all my hard work. My family, including my parents, brother and sister has endlessly supported me during my life and academics. This has helped me in making positive decisions for my life. I would also mention my peers and co-workers and appreciate their collaboration and expert advice on every circumstance. I am also grateful towards my University and my Department, the administrators, faculty members and fellow students for their support throughout this study.


I declare that the material stated in this dissertation/thesis is original and does not present work of any other scholar or research study conducted in the past. Material in this study is not partially or completely published elsewhere and collected only for the purpose of this study. I also acknowledge that I have complete understanding of the requirements, guidelines, regulations and procedures of the University with respect to the endowment of higher education degree and my research work. Here, I would also like to take the opportunity to declare that I have exclusively followed the requirements, guidelines, regulations and procedures of the University regarding this research study.


Obesity has come to be described as a chronic disease that has not only affected adults but children and adolescents as well. Obesity has become a large burden for the health care system and is considered one of the top pediatric health problems that contribute to severe health complications beginning in childhood and extending through adulthood. As known to all long, obesity represents one of the most worrying problems of Western societies, and particularly in the United States has an alarming character. It is because obesity affects the health of individuals in a direct way. The life and eating habits are the basis for many of the problems of obesity in this country and others, who see obesity gains ground incessantly. It is especially troubling incidence in childhood and adolescence, and that condemns millions of children to become overweight adults, with fatal consequences to their health. America needs to seriously address this problem, starting with a solid education from infancy in habits of life, who should consider regular exercise and a healthy, and balanced diet, based on the concert of vegetables, fruits and fish. Some habits should also extend to the adult population, and which fall within the responsibility of each individual. The main objective for conducting this research is to investigate the prevalence of obesity among Latino/Hispanic children with ages between 12 to 17 years living in California.






Research Background1

Aims and Objectives2

Significance of the Study3

Structure of the thesis4


Theoretical Framework6

The United States - An Example8

Prevalence of Child Obesity in the Latino/Hispanic Population11

Individual Factors Related to Childhood Obesity15

Community Factors16

Environmental Factors18

Family Factors19

Health Care Factors22

Overweight and Obesity in ...
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