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A Health Project To Raise Awareness Of Risk Associated To Obesity In London Metropolitan University Undergraduate Students

Abiodun Grant

12031234A Health Project To Raise Awareness Of Risk Associated To Obesity In London Metropolitan University Undergraduate Students


Obesity is a serious medical condition that refers to the excessive body mass of one's body. Accumulation of fats in excess can also be included in the category of the obesity. Numerous studies have shown that several complicated conditions have a close link with the risk of obesity. These conditions include the risk of stroke, sleep apnea, diabetes, coronary artery diseases, gastric diseases, osteoarthritis, and many types of cancer (Al-Rethaiaa, Fahmy, & Al-Shwaiyat, 2010, pp. 1-10).


The project has a great importance because it is highlighting the main issues of the society. Obesity has become extremely common health issue in our society, and it has linked with a number of hazardous conditions (Salmon, Campbell, & Crawford, 2006, p.64). The rationale behind this project is the building of awareness among the undergraduate students related to the risks and complications of the obesity for a healthy life (Chambliss, Finley & Blair, 2004, pp. 468 - 474). There is a wrong perception in University students about obesity that it is not associated with any hazardous condition (Greenleaf & Weiller, 2005, pp. 407-423). Changing this perception is another rationale for the project. NHS information centre (2012) described the statistics on obesity that was recorded in England. The information centre revealed that the 26% of men and women were obese by the year 2010. Moreover, the study also described that 24% of children are coping with the problem of obesity (NHS, 2012, pp. 1 - 118).

Aims of the Study

To build up awareness regarding the risks associated with obesity.

To Limit the increasing incidence rate of obesity in the undergraduate students with the help of awareness programs.

Objectives of the Study

To prepare the project, evidence based articles and survery will be conducted from target groups.

To evaluate the findings, the study will use different computer softwares to compile the results.

To implement the study, the findings and report will be displayed to the public.


Brief outline

The project will consist of five chapters, including introduction, literature review, methodology, results & discussion, and conclusion.

The project will be secondary research and will utilize the literature from the libraries of Proquest, Direct science, PubMed, and different journals of the medical science. The project will use the qualitative approach for the findings and ...
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