There is the relationship between negligence of parents and child.
In the last twenty years, the prevalence of obesity in children has risen sharply, especially in more developed countries. The increase is explained primarily by the food poor and a sedentary lifestyle, and also by the conflicting relationship between parents and children regarding proper nutrition and psychological treatment. Obese children have a higher probability of having hypertension, diabetes, and greater risks to cancer (Dietz, 676).
Discussion and Analysis
Children who start with obesity in six months and seven years of the percentage of those who remain obese in adulthood are 40hile for those who started between ten and thirteen years the odds are 70because the cells that store fat (adiposities) are multiplying at this stage of life, so the child increases the likelihood of being obese as an adult. Obese children may suffer from hypertension, high cholesterol and insulin resistance in childhood or puberty and continue to the risk in adulthood. In males, the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and colon cancer. Women thus, are likely to suffer degenerative arthritis, increased blood pressure in pregnancy and readiness of hip fractures (Roberts, & Lucas, 461).
Parental neglect may be the cause of obesity in young children. This is what has just shown the team of Dr. Robert Whitaker of Temple University in Philadelphia. This is the first study linking risk of obesity and parental neglect. The observation survey conducted on 2,500 children of three years showed that 11f young children were neglected by their parents, 84eceived corporal punishment and 93ere victims of psychological aggression.
Parents have a major role to play in helping their children to adopt healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle. It is not surprising that the eating habits of parents are involved in their children's weight and, because they imitate what they see. Children naturally prefer sweet and salty and do not need to learn to love these flavors. However, when given the opportunity to try repeatedly to new foods, like fruits and vegetables, children learn to love the food they were first released. Studies show that 5 to 16 exposures to new foods may be necessary before a child accepts it (Wolf, 187).
Parents who neglect their children recognize demonstrate their emotional disorder. They say they do not control their own problems, do not feel responsible enough to educate their children and often leave them unattended. The study shows that children of neglecting parents are at risk of obesity increased by 56 compared to other children. However, corporal punishment and psychological aggression does not seem to be a risk factor for obesity. Indeed, the researchers explain that to young children, this type of abuse is directly related to their actions. However, neglect appears to be more destructive because they are not predictable. "Unlike other punishment, negligence cannot be the answer for their behavior. Specialists from the National Institute of Pediatrics estimate that overweight children in addition to the normal 25ore, likely to have hormonal ...