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Business Plan

1.Description of the Business1

1.1.Trading Name and logo1

1.2.Legal Classification1

1.3.Mission statement2




1.7.Product Design3

2.Market and competition3

2.1.Industry Description3

2.2.Market Size4

2.3.Growth Potential4






2.9.Target Customers6

3.Marketing Plan7




4.Management and Human Resource7


4.2.The Team8

4.3.Legal and Ethical consideration8

5.Operation and Production Plan8


5.2.Production Facilities9

5.3.IT requirements9

6.Financial Plan9

6.1.Sources of finance9

6.2.Cost of production10

6.3.Cash flow forecast10

6.4.P &L Forecast11

Business Plan

Description of the Business

The business which we have decided to introduce as a part of this assignment is an Ethnic Restaurant which specializes in dishes which are served in the South Asia. A large population of immigrants in UK belongs to the South Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan (Lindley, 2009, p.85; and our restaurant would focus of providing dishes which are famous in these parts of the world. The following report gives a comprehensive and utter explanation of the business that we intend to start as a part of this report, as well as carries out a thorough analysis of its feasibility in the UK market.

Trading Name and logo

The name of the restaurant would be “The Best of Seven Seas” and the logo would depict a globe which would show the famous dishes from the South Asian region. The world (globe) would be made of these dishes. The ideology of the name suggests that the restaurants provides the best and tastiest food throughout the seven seas, and the logo depicts the importance of food as it links it to the world itself.

Legal Classification

The legal classification of our business would fall under the private sector, unincorporated business and then partnership. When a group of people carry on with a business with an idea of making a profit, it is labeled as partnership (Badigannavar & Kelly, 2011, p. 7). All of the partners will be jointly liable, and since we would not follow a limited partnership which falls under the Partnership act for Limited companies 1907, the business will not have any sleeping partners either (Hodge, et al., 2010, p. 15). Mission statement

To make sure that all our customers receive a friendly and clean environment, coupled with a comfortable ambiance. To ensure that the best, highest quality, hygienic and tastiest ethnic food is served to our customers. To provide a great value for the money we charge for our services.


To serve the tastiest and highest quality food to our customers. To ensure that we keep high standards of hygiene in all our business process. To make sure that the business generates substantial returns on the investment which is made and to provide our valuable customers an unparalleled service and experience which they would have never seen before.


The greatest value of our business would be honesty. We would envisage integrating honesty in every business process, so that everything which is done in our business is utterly honest. We would value committing to the principles set for the business and would create an environment of learning where all the personnel of the restaurant would tend to learn from the leadership experience of the higher management. Considering the ethnically diverse management which we seek to have, we would highly ...
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