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Significance of Obesity to Nursing

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Significance of Obesity to Nursing


Obesity is defined as the too much unnecessary fat in the body of an individual. It has become one of the major problems in the world. There are three levels of an obesity according to the medical sciences, these are enviable, deplorable and also laughable. The people who are over weighted slightly, these people are usually have the (Stenholm, 2008, pp. 76))smooth sound and the beautiful faces. With time the concept of beauty changes is called an enviable obesity. The person would become to look like an ugly.


Causes of Obesity

There are various causes of obesity such as an organic cause, like the deficiency of the thyroid hormone, or having the large number of the adrenal cortisone or the female sex hormones. Sometimes this can result (Bray, 2007,pp.142) in the destroying the parts of human brain or it may cause the charging of hunger and satisfaction. The biggest reason behind the obesity because of the modern lifestyle.

Factors in the Modern Life Style

The shape of a human body is like an elastic bag. If the high calorie food is kept inside then it will be proportionate to what that can be removed. It is the form of energy by heat and an exercise. The size of the bag will be eventually determined. Terrific hectic schedules and the advanced technology the life has become an easy going physically. (Brown, 2008,pp.17-28).There is no time for the physical work to people because of the hectic schedules. It consumes less calories and also than the activities like the muscular activities such as swimming, playing, running and the walking, that would result in the obesity.

Associated Health Risks

Overweight causes several health problems such as hypertension, high degree of cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a combination of high blood glucose, gastro esophageal reflux disease, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, depression, diseases of gallbladder, osteoarthritis, skin problem as poor wound healing, intolerance of glucose, angina pectoris, congestive diseases of heart, inflammation, incontinence of stress and several other problems.

Obesity is one of the leading cause of the death in the United Kingdom are the diseases that are related to obesity, it includes the diseases of heart, diabetes and the stroke. There are numerous amounts for the availability in order to measure and fight against the obesity though the measure against the obesity are used inconsistently and inappropriately. (Clark, 2004,pp.28-29)(There are consistent methods and appropriate methods of health care professionals training, most importantly nursing that should be approached using an educationally appropriate focused plan.

Importance of Obesity to Nursing

One of an important and an essential aspect in order to prevent and manage the obesity is the stipulation of the supportive environment and also the communities. It is the basic need in order to influence the choices of an individual and therefore helping them(Padilha,2011,pp-419-424) in order to recognize the needs for choosing the healthier foods and also to integrate the regular physical activities in the daily ...
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