Nutrition And Digestion

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Nutrition and Digestion

[Writer's Institution]

Nutrition and Digestion

Task 1:

A balanced diet means getting ample amounts of nutrition through balanced meals which include a portioned amount of foods and drinks in order to supply energy to the body to help maintain bodily functions. A balanced diet helps to support normal development and growth by providing necessary energy to the body's cells, tissues, and organs (The New York Times, 2010, p. nd). The diet should include foods from all parts of the food pyramid:

Grain Group

Fruit Group

Meat and Beans Group

Dairy Group

Fruit Group

Fats Group

Foods in your daily diet should include something from each one of these groups on a daily basis and should consist of things such as:

Plenty of rice, potatoes, breads, etc.

Plenty of fruits

Plenty of vegetables

Some portions of fish, meat, and poultry

Very small amount of fats and sugars (NHS Choices, 2013, p. nd)

A balanced diet is one in which your body receives all necessary nutrients without an excess of any one in particular. The diet should consist of nutrients that an individual's body needs (The New York Times, 2010, p. nd). However, this balanced diet and its requirements vary based on the different stages within an individual's life and depend on factors such as sex, age, overall health, and physical status of the body such as breastfeeding or pregnancy, along with environmental conditions such as the regions temperature and the amount of physical activity performed. The nutrients required by the human body can be divided into two major types (including water): macronutrients and micronutrients (UNICEF, 2013, p. nd). Macronutrients are the essential macromolecules which include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These macromolecules are required in high quantities to provide an immense amount of energy to the body in order to maintain optimum function. The micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. These micronutrients are needed in small quantities and are essential for bodily function. These nutrients function to provide essential components for life sustaining chemical reactions. Micronutrients can be further divided into four separate categories, two of vitamins (water insoluble and soluble) and two of trace elements.

Important Points to Remember for a Healthy Lifestyle

Not only is a balanced diet necessary, but there are several other things that can promote healthy eating and a good overall health.

Daily nutrient intake should be centred on starchy foods which contain more fibre. These include foods such as wholegrain and potatoes

Eating at least five portions of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis

Eating at least two portions of fish on a weekly basis as it has many benefits

Limiting the intake of saturated fats and sugar

Limiting the amount of salt in the daily diet

Increase daily activity

Stay hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water on a daily basis

Avoid skipping breakfast because it is the main component for providing the energy required throughout the day

A healthy well balanced diet helps an individual live a long and healthy life.

Task 4:

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