Nursing Leadership

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Nursing Leadership


The paper describes the role of nursing leadership in providing quality care and improving patient outcomes. It describes how effective nursing leadership can provide improved health outcomes for patients. It describes leadership, nursing leadership, its applicability and effectiveness.

Nursing Leadership


The role of strong leadership has become acknowledged in healthcare management. Strong leadership is essential because the complex healthcare management system requires a good leader who can connect the world of healthcare management to the medical practice, while realizing people's needs and developing the broad health service programs required by them. Leadership is the usage of strong influence to shape healthcare organization's goals, to motivate behavior towards achieving these goals, and to make organizational culture. The effective leadership is the one who supports in accomplishing the main tasks in healthcare management (Tachibana & Nelson-Peterson, 2007).

The leadership issues can adversely affect the progress of organization, as leadership can support a business to maintain a singular focus in its business operations. When in business organizations too many persons attempt for business decisions making, lead to confusion and improper decisions. Organizations can use leadership skills to get employees on the same focus to get the goal. Leadership skills can help correct conflicts between employees.


The term ' leadership' refers to influence, power, followership, autocratic behaviour, warmth and kindness. It is a process by which the senior person in an organization induces workers to work in a desired manner. The term 'nursing leadership' is the process of influencing the health care workers so that they strive willingly for the achievement of health care organization . The nursing leadership emphasis on nurses for their responsibility of improving the health care practice environment. The nursing knowledge and practice influence their leadership. The other terms used are the 'applicability; and 'effectiveness,

to describe nurse leadership role, these refers to the application of nursing practice for empowering others, in facilitating the learning process, development of nursing knowledge, and creating a work environment that help in achieving the organization goals. The effective leadership refers to the leadership power that can influence the staff and workers in providing the best outcomes for an organization (Tachibana & Nelson-Peterson, 2007).

Strong nursing leaders utilize participative management in their health care organization to involve others and to influence decisions. Nursing leaders who value this type of management encourage others to share information and communicate well to keep others informed in their health care organization, and pay attention to various perspectives (Rusch & Bakewell-Sachs, 2007).

Nursing leaders who are leading health care organization set their clear goals as well as expectations. They have ability to resolve conflicts, they have ability to motivate workers and help them to understand how their efforts fit into the desired goals of the organization. They have ability to select right people and bring together the people who have the skills, knowledge and expertise required to complete ongoing work(Tachibana & Nelson-Peterson, 2007). Assessment involves the knowledge about strengths, development requirements, and level of effectiveness. The nursing leaders realize the power of knowledge ...
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