Nursing Development And Progress

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Nursing Development and Progress

Nursing Development and Progress


The general nursing practice setting plays a major role in the delivery of the safe and quality health care to the people of the Australian community. They are providing coordinated, comprehensive, and advanced medical care to individuals, families and communities of different cultures irrespective of their psychological and social differences. The general practice of nurses has added a new dimension to the health service quality in Australia and has accommodated successfully with the health requirements of the Australian population. This essay would provide a brief analysis of nursing students who have graduated from nursing school and how to retain them in nursing, new graduated retention, cost of new grads to orient to nursing, nursing clinical residency program, hospitals that prepare new graduate nursing students, hospitals that offer extended orientation for newly licensed graduates nurses and model of nursing theories for new graduate nurses (Rameela, 2004).

Enabling clinical learning environment is crucial for the real learning and development of nursing students as well as for future workplaces. Working with elderly people is a practice that is least preferred among Norwegian nursing students (Kääriäinen et al., 2011).

Retaining nursing students in nursing courses and programs across the country is a major concern especially in times of serious and grave nursing shortages in United States. Nursing education in a country is expensive and students who drops out in the middle of a program actually makes it more expensive because throughout their time in nursing programs, valuable resources are invested on them on a priority basis and they take those resources which could have been otherwise invested on other students who could have provided a results to their community unlike drop out students. This research article has attempted to understand and discover the personal and program factor that previous non-persistent, graduates, and current students have reported to be helping in keeping them persistent in their nursing programs (Hartweg, 1990).

Rationale of the Study

The nursing practices are based on the nursing paradigms which are designed on the basis of nursing theories. These theories support nursing practices to improve professional nursing status. Due to the fast alterations in the healthcare requirements through global awareness, various contemporary nursing theories were proposed in the years 1960, 1970 and 1980. This gave the true description of nursing profession as a science and art. Most of the nursing theorists have emphasize to serve the profession in the holistic, client focused, humanistic and care as a core of nursing (George, 2011).

The studies have focus to improve the strategies and pledge that nurses are competent to work, in order to accomplish capable nursing workforce and present quality care. The nursing theories are used by the professional nurses in the practice to improve interaction with the client, collection, analysis and organization of the client health record for the analysis and interpretation of patient's health condition. All phases of nursing practices are well described in the theories. These theories enable nurses to plan, execute and evaluate proper care (Gastmans, ...
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