Nursing Care

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Nursing care

Including all members of the interdisciplinary team is necessary in the effort towards quality improvement in regards to the reduction of falls within an organization. Not only does this team approach better serve the client, but it also allows for a more holistic approach to the individuals healthcare needs be ensuring all individuals partaking in their care are involved on every level (Kennel & Reiter-Palmon 2013). While obvious members to include in this multidisciplinary approach would include those providing direct patient care such as physicians and nurses, and occupational or physical therapy that will develop plans of care directly related to falls prevention other less thought of disciplines should also be considered for inclusion (Kennel & Reiter-Palmon 2013). These team members could include case management since they will help guide the patients inpatient stay and coordinate discharge planning, pharmacy as they can complete a medication reconciliation which can be checked for combinations that may increase a patients likelihood of a fall, radiology since they often transport patients and assist them with mobility issues, and even housekeeping as they spend a significant amount of time in patient rooms and can be taught how to intervene in a situation that is potentially unsafe for a patient and prevent the fall from ever occurring (Close 2001).

There are a number of characteristics of this multidisciplinary team that are critical elements necessary in order to achieve the desired outcome of a reduction of falls with injuries. Collaboration is of primary importance as it has been proven to show substantial reductions in falls among targeted hospital populations when it is utilized through a multidisciplinary approach (Brandis 1999). In order for collaboration to be successful open communication which involves positive customer service not only with the patient population but with fellow team members is necessary in order to promote an environment of sharing. The well-being and health promotion of patients must be a goal of all members within an organization in order for success in a quality improvement project such as this one to be successful (Close 2001).

Strategies that could be utilized to develop and foster positive team characteristics may vary within departments and facilities. It would be ideal for representative members of the established multidisciplinary team to be individuals that have volunteered and have a true desire to improve patient outcomes. By involving representatives from each discipline that are participating on their own accord as opposed to being assigned or forced into the position a more positive team atmosphere can be promoted (Close 2011). Additional educational opportunities as a group leading the initiative for a reduction in falls along with those that are specific to each discipline would also be beneficiary by empowering team members with knowledge to share with the group and making them feel as if they are contributing to the process. By giving team members a sense of ownership and pride program success due to a positive team approach is increased (Close 2001).

Communication strategies that could be utilized to establish ...
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