Nursing Care

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Nursing care

Nursing Care


Nursing is a respectable profession as it is associated with the health care scenario, which focused on the care of individual patients, communities and families so that they can acquire, retain or recover the quality of life and optimal health. Nurses are different from other health care professionals due to their approach towards the training, care of the patient and their scope of practice. They practice in a broad array of practice areas with a different level of prescriber authority and distinguishing scope of practice. Most of the nurses provide care as directed by the orders of physicians and this conventional role has emerged as the care providers historically in the eyes of public. Although the nurses are allowed to practice without depending on others in a different aspects related to their level of training.

The American Nurses Association defines nursing as an optimization, protection, and promotion of health and abilities, the one who prevent the injury and illness, wipe off the suffering via treatment and diagnosis of the response of human being, and provision of care to the individual patients, whole families, communities, and populations (American Nurses Association).


Nursing Profession

The clinical and registered nurses are expected and anticipated to supervise and manage the delivery of the care of the patient. This care is protective and meets the standards of quality within the available and accessible financial, material, and most important human resources. The available skill mix that is particularly staffing is usually a challenge for the nurses that are faced with the responsibility.

This responsibility is in the surroundings, where it is intricate to preserve and employ the experienced staff of nursing and to give a learning environment that is supportive for the inexperienced nurses. Diverse forms of team nursing as indicated by the evidences are being approved in health settings ...
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