Nursing Article Review

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Nursing Article Review

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Locating and Critically Analyzing a Peer-Reviewed Research Article


Critically analyzing a peer-reviewed research article requires thorough reading of the article and excellent evaluation skills. This paper critically evaluates a peer-reviewed research article, strong points and weak points in relation to the writing of scholarly articles, quality of evidence, appropriateness, bias and opinions are the target audience are the major points that are evaluated in this paper. The article that I have selected for this task is “Lecturer-Student views On Successful Online Learning Environments” (Khoo, 2010).

Article Summary

The selected research article is based on the subject of online learning, it reports on the findings of a study conducted to properly identify the issues related to the nature of online learning environments and how can learning be successfully facilitated in online environments. To accomplish these task ten online instructors and their students were surveyed at the Faculty of Education of the University of Waikato. Online education is a very effective means of getting education, especially for those students who live and far flung areas or they are having some sort of constraints in attending the educational institution (Waterhouse, 2004). There are four characteristics associated with the online lecturer; pedagogical, managerial, social and technological, these characteristics play an important role in successful learning.


In the introduction paragraph, author has provided the background and importance of the online education system. Author has explained the importance of online education by explaining the change that can be brought by this system; author has also provided scholarly articles in support of this statement. The evidences provided are strong enough to support the writer's perspective regarding the importance of online education and different online learning environments.

For this survey, the researcher has selected ten teachers and thirty students, out of these thirty students five are male and ...
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