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Recent studies show that strong relation between patient and Nurse helps the patient to cure the problem of the patient. It is very important to understand the problem of patient and solve their problem by giving a personal touch. For the purpose, it is important for me to learn about nursing communication that would help me to develop such relation with patients. I want to develop my communication skills and tools that will help me to achieve my goal.

When the patients are receiving the professional treatment, it is an uncomfortable experience for them because they do not completely know what is going on. As an individual, a person knows more about him or her than anyone else. It is very rare that another person tell something about him which is not already known to him. Now, however the person find himself in such situation that is an exception to the rule then the factor of believe comes. Hence, learning Nursing communication is very important for me if I want to succeed in my career as a Nurse.

It is important for the nurse to understand the fears, doubts and the anxieties of the patient. This understanding would only be possible when there is proper communication. The nurse may be preoccupied with the concerns she already had and can neglects patient's concern. Answering their questions and having a reassuring smile brings a great level of satisfaction in patient. Effective communication of nurse plays a vital part in patient's satisfaction. Attitude of the nurse is the non-verbal communication sometimes. A good nurse not only performs the given job but is aware of the patients' need of satisfaction. For the purpose, I would like to enroll in communication courses that would help me to achieve my goal. I was always good at other aspects of my professional duty, however, I lacked the skills to communicate my message to the patient and build strong relationship with patient, which I want to improve to (Mok, & Chiu, 2004).

The patients usually have many doubts regarding their health. The questions in their minds make them worried. This anxiety can be removed or deactivate with the help of effective communication by nurse. For example, after the introductory checkup, the patients are advised to stay away from certain thing for example sugar and asked to do certain thing for example exercise. The patients wonder why this is necessary. Why is the doctor not prescribing any medicine for their affected health? Like these many questions arises in the mind of the patients. Although they may not ask questions or doubts they are going through from the Nurse, but it is important to understand their problem and address the issue.

In such situations, the role of effective communication by nurse is extremely vital. The nurse should understand the need of the patient and should satisfy them by her words. In this situation the nurse should explain the patients about the intention of the ...
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