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Healthcare for Women

Healthcare for Women


Over recent decades, advances in knowledge of health problems and their treatment, the growth of health care resources, self-care, health education, the healthy lifestyles, etc., have been major changes in the level of child health allowing to set objectives that meet progress. In the primary care pediatricians, family doctors and nurses / you are responsible health care in a well defined population. Its position is ideal for developing preventive and health promotion, given that contact with the population target from the first moment they begin to influence the determinants of health, when preventive interventions may be more useful. The purpose of Children's Health Program is to contribute to the promotion of health status allow optimal growth and development of the child / a in all its aspects. Should be focused on comprehensive health care, whereas the potential to contribute to the acquisition of healthy habits are higher during the early stages of the life and activities prevention, beyond doubt, can prevent health problems or consequences for the rest of life. Child Health Program is designed as a tool to increase the level of health population aged 0-14, while enabling a better understanding of patterns morbidity and mortality at these ages and defining priorities for action (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008).

The health education is an interpersonal communication process aimed at providing the information required for a critical review of health problems and blame the individuals and social groups in the behavioral decisions that have direct or indirect physical and mental health individually and collectively. Therefore, the health education communication means more than reality to the mother or child. It involves helping to understand and control aspects of your life that can be prevented to achieve their optimal health potential. In all controls will address the issues and topics of health education for the child's age / ay be provided to parents learning materials for health effects.

Healthcare for Women

Suffering of women in Asian countries as it does in the Middle East to the marginalization of a strong and neglect at the working level, which degrades its position and withdraw the economic impact directly where the unemployment of women no less than male unemployment in the reflected negatively on the economic aspects and are thus support their non-productive of income at home.

She said, quoting the United Nations, told Reuters that strict restrictions on the non-entry of women into schools, hospitals and public service costs of the Asia-Pacific region about $ 80 billion annually.

To rectify the situation the Committee submitted four proposals process says it can check the balance between the two types, "the least effort and cost provided there is political commitment at the highest levels." These proposals include the provision of basic education is free near the villages and adult education classes for women and enact laws that guarantee women's right to basic health care such as those enjoyed by men and the provision of free meals for school children "and meal feeding," especially for pregnant ...
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