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This paper discusses the ethics of nursing along with the model of communication, individualized or personal care of patients and how nursing care is organized. The purpose of this paper is to find out the relationship among the four elements and come up with a clear understanding of the profession of nursing and how it impact the treatment of a patient.

The health care of older people is now an extremely dynamic and changing field, both in terms of customer Needs, as in the professional Requirements Adequate or necessary to give responses in an extremely permeable to scientific Developments, legal, family, health, Political, and so on. Within the multidisciplinary team in the specific fields of gerontology and community care, the nurse is the team leader, as it is the only professional prepared and trained to work according to a comprehensive care plan focused on the person. Nursing models give us the system of values from which the nurse to perform their task, assesses health problems and plan their specific objectives, from the autonomous role from the role of collaboration with other health professionals (Urden et al, 2006, pp. 106).

The Henderson model, its values and principles are specially adapted to gerontology and make it understandable and consistent with the interdisciplinary objectives, strengthening the leadership of the nurse within the care team. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the basics gerontological model of Henderson and the process of nursing care, based on reflection on clinical practice. In the past 20 years have seen great changes in both community services such as health, the need to integrate the specific attention to the elderly population and, therefore, the training of professionals, such as:

a) Elongation of the vital stage of aging. Potentially can exceed 30 years, with obviously different needs at the beginning and end of the longest stage of the life cycle in our environment.

b) Integration of new therapies in addressing health problems of elderly people. Medical-surgical, pharmacological, psychosocial, educational, relational alternatives.

c) Diversification of community resources. With an increasingly broad range of services, in which the nurse should develop its role and therefore must know: family, legal, informal, health, social, health centers

d) new organizational forms and working philosophies. Some of them evolve toward shared responsibility with the client and his family, interdisciplinary work and bioethical reflection.

Taken together, this makes them see that to give adequate care to this stage of life of people, requiring a professional profile that S. Lauzon, a professor of nursing at the University of Montreal and eminent researcher of nursing care in the field of gerontology, defined as: Lauzon, a professor of nursing at the University of Montreal and eminent researcher of nursing care in the field of gerontology, defined as:

Healthcare is the largest in a specialized field that nurses need a broad knowledge of the body, great relationship skills, high capacity for teamwork and family intervention, as well as personal qualities such as patience and ...
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