Nurse's Intervention Improves the Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Nurse's Intervention Improves the Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Background and Justification:
The nursing interventions play a significant part in the betterment of the patient's health. The nursing interventions undoubtly play an essential part in ensuring that effective treatment is provided to the patients. Diabetes mellitus is also one of the disease which can be managed in a better way through the nursing interventions. Majority of the patients suffering from diabetes mellitus have central visceral adiposity, or obesity. Consequently, the adipose tissue plays a vital function in the pathogenesis of type-2 diabetes.
Close observation of patients are crucial to the role of nursing care and interventions in primary care and outpatient care. They allow for a patient's recovery/and or progress to be closely monitored which enables healthcare professionals to take effective decisions in adverse or delayed recovery scenarios (BPES, 1). Emotional stress, financial stress, and the feeling of living with a chronic illness all influence psychological challenges to these patients. They face ego problems when their sexuality is discussed in connection with their illness. More so the management of diabetes does not only involve dietary management, exercises, and medications, but also psychological stability. Emotional health and the controlling of diabetes are closely linked. Diabetes is a disease that requires a patient to be involved in self-management of their health (See Appendices 2). A patient will also require a multidisciplinary team to educate, reinforce, and follow-up with patient treatment, and education.
The reason for selecting the question is that diabetes is a major health problem all over the world and every 10 seconds two people have developed diabetes. The estimation for diabetes for 2010 is 285 million people this is 6.6 % of the adult population. In Australia the rate of Australian who has diabetes is 3.8 %( bureau of statistics 2008).
According to recent research 26 million people currently have diabetes, and an additional 79 million are prime targets for diabetes mellitus. Most of the time diabetes is undiagnosed due to some of the signs and symptoms being harmless. Early detection and treatment helps to avoid serious complication in the future. Diabetes is divided into two categories Type One and Type Two Diabetes. Typical signs and symptoms of Type One Diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss and feelings of tired and irritable. Other symptoms include frequent vaginal infection in women and yeast infection in both men and women.
Current Available Research
The researchers state that there ought to be more research on the topic of nursing interventions and improvement in diabetes. Most of the studies are revolved around the importance of nursing interventions and some are about the proper care about the diabetic patients. There need to be a specific research on the nursing interventions and the improvement in the management of Diabetes Mellitus. The systematic reviews on the data base resulted in merely a few relevant researches including the interventions to improve the management of Diabetes Mellitus.