Non-Profitable Organization

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Non-Profitable Organization

Non-Profitable Organization


Susan G. Susan G. Komen for the cure is the non-profitable organization that founded in 1982 by Nancy Goodman Brinker. Headquarter of the organization is situated in Dallas. Nancy is the C.E.O and founder of the organization. It is the well known Breast cancer organization in USA. The organization is engaged in the excessive research, education, and social support program in America for breast cancer patients. The organization has a partnership with 50 countries for the same purpose of breast cancer.

There are millions of donations collected by the organization every year. The main objective of the organization is to get over with the breast cancer from all the females. The organization offers open appointments for the volunteer who want to work for the organization. Their actual purpose is to educate patients with breast cancer, and aware women to prevent from the cancer. They provide caution programs to keep females away from this cancer. They promote early detection of cancer through screening so, it could be easily cured. They are affiliated with the Harvard School of Public Health that assists fighting against the disease (Fitzgibbon, 2010).


The organization is ranked as number 1 non-profit organization in USA by Harris Interactive poll. The organization is not working only in USA it is helping people around the world. The organization has made a difference in the life of women suffering from breast cancer. The organization has promoted the living standard of women with breast cancer and generates a hope for them. Breast cancer rate is increasing dramatically; one out of every eight women is suffering from this life taking disease.

The organization indulges in different activities to raise funds for the women. They work 24/7 to fight against breast cancer. They do not believe in any gender, race, social, or age discrimination. They give open invitation to join the activities. They make people participate in the vents they organize. For example, Susan G. Komen LA county event purpose is to change the life of women has breast cancer. By participating in the event, they made people part of the grass root network that changed the thinking of treatment of breast cancer. There are awareness programs for females to fight against this life threatening disease. Their sole mission is to overcome the problems in breast cancer. LA Galaxy's Breast Cancer awareness night is another example of an event that was in Ocean Park. This event was for the female's awareness about the breast cancer. There are numerous programs that are arranged for the betterment of breast cancer society (Edwards, 2002).

Methodological Strategies in Funds Rising in Susan G. Komen

The funds rise in the organization used to promote research and awareness of breast cancer. There are numerous members who used to give donations frequently for the organization. Some people directly organize the events for the awareness of the cancer program. The events of races and marathon where hundreds of participants indulge provide million of financial aids. There are nights and evenings celebrated as event and ...
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