News Corporation

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News Corporation

News Corporation Scandal

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News Corporation Scandal


Newspapers, news channels and magazines all have to maintain an entire network of sources to be able to retrieve the most authentic and most interesting information about objects, things or people. Moreover, this must also be ensured that the information be collected and presented in such a way that the newspaper or news channel could also compete with the others. However, it is only unfortunate that this competition among the media groups and channels has become so intense that a number of ethical issues have been prevalent, all committed for the sake of winning the competition. Most alarming ethical breach however remains illegal retrieving and then propagation of the private and confidential information of others. The News Corporation Case of 2011 is the best example of violation of information privacy of others.


Types of Controls Implemented by Managers on Any Project

There are different types of control that a manager in an Organization can adapt in order to manage the workforce under his supervision. These include,

Feed Forward Control

This is the most desirable and effective form of control. This control involves making decisions before the occurrence of any undesirable event or scandal. Hence, it can be described by the strategies, policies and ethical and legal limitations planned and implemented by the managers within any Organization in order to prevent any anticipated controversy from occurring. Therefore, the key to feed the forward control, is taking the managerial action in prior to publishing any news that may have the potential to adversely affect the image of the company, the employees or the entity or organization discussed in the news (Barcelo et al, 2006, pp.1740). Feed forward controls are beneficial as they help the management to avoid the possibly occurring issues and save them from the trouble of having to deal with them in the future. The only obstacle in such a managerial control system is the requirement of the accurate and timely information which is usually difficult to develop and obtain. Therefore, as a result, the managers often have to settle for one of the two remaining types of control.

Concurrent Control

The Concurrent control, as the name suggests, takes place when a task is in progress. Hence, this control system is incorporated when the task is being executed so that the management can rectify the errors before it become too costly. Direct supervision is the most effective form of the concurrent control. When any manager oversees directly the actions and behavior of an employee, he can monitor the actions of the employee concurrently and hence identify and rectify the errors or ethical violations as they occur. The manager can offer various solutions to that problem. Although, a delay is inevitable between the task and the corrective response by the manager, however, this delay is minimal. Nonetheless, technical equipment, including computers and also computerized machine controls, can be designed and used to include the concurrent controls (Swanson & Mancini, 1996). The word processing that alerts for a ...
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