Fox News

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Fox news

Does Fox news slight the news?


The Fox News Channel is a 24-hour cable and satellite news channel based in the United States. Fox News has become an influential player in the global information since its launch in October 1996. Most of Fox News's 16 hours of live programming on weekdays, and 27 hours on weekends, are produced at its New York City headquarters. As of January 2009, Fox News is available in roughly 90 million U.S. homes, and in more than 50 countries. Competitors include CNN and MSNBC. But still, being such an extensive channel, still Fox News slights from the news and show priorities to whites whiles ignoring others. Due to these facts many people supported the 'Fox turn off campaign'. 

Origin and Key Executives

Fox News is a subsidiary of Fox Entertainment Group, which is owned by News Corporation, one of the world's largest media conglomerates. Its stable of media properties includes businesses in film production and distribution, book publishing, cable and satellite services, television, and Internet. News Corp. owns at least two dozen newspapers in Britain, Australia, and the United States. In 2007, News Corp. acquired American journalism institution The Wall Street Journal through its $5 billion purchase of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. (Morris, 2005)

Fox News Formula

Fox News turned television news into a multimedia, manic storyteller with its use of dynamic graphics and sound effects. Fox News innovations include the scrolling ticker at the bottom of the screen to update viewers on breaking news, half-screen and bottom-of-the-screen graphics to help orientate viewers to a segment's subject as well as multimedia visuals and sound effects used to introduce Fox News programs and “Breaking News” segments. Rivals CNN and MSNBC were quick to follow Fox News's graphically enhanced format. While the flashy Fox style modified industry standards, the substance of its programs has also been both influential and controversial. (Morris, ...
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