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Basic Neuroanatomical Structures

The neuroanatomy is the part of the anatomy that deals with the study of different parts of the nervous system and sense organs. The neuroanatomy is the part of the anatomy that deals with the study of different parts of the nervous system and organs of the senses especially in the descriptive and topographic aspects, and a great text conversion harmonics. All complex cognitive skills such as language, are produced from the interaction of multiple anatomical regions of the overlapping and interconnected neural networks widely distributed throughout the brain that carry out their specific neuronal functions both sequentially and in parallel. The following part describes basic Neuroanatomical structures (Baehr, 2012).

Dendrites: Dendrites are small nerve fibers that receive electrochemical impulses and transported to the cell body. 

Axon is a long nerve fiber that generally carries impulses from the neuronal soma outward.

Neuronal transmission: refers to the transfer of electrochemical impulses from one neuron to another.

 Neurotransmitters are chemicals such as dopamine and acetylcholine that can be transferred from one neuron to another and that may facilitate or impede neuronal transmission. 

Synapses: connection between two neurons is the process of communication between neurons. It begins with a chemical discharge that causes an electric current in the membrane of the presynaptic cell (cell station) once this nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon, the neuron itself secretes a type of protein (neurotransmitters) that are deposited in the synaptic space, space between this neuron and the postsynaptic neuron transmitter (receiver). These neurotransmitters are responsible to excite or inhibit the action of another neuron (Waxman, 2009).

Afferent fiber: carries the neural impulse to the cell body.

Efferent fibers: is that which leads from the cell body out. 

Core: an assembly of neuronal cell bodies located within the brain or spinal cord. 

Ganglion: a group of neuronal cell bodies located outside the brain or spinal cord.

Tract, column, corner, or by specification: a group of ...
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