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Nepotism is the form of favoring some person in the politics, society or business. In the work place, nepotism is also carried out in many forms. The relatives or friends are given job on the basis their close affinity (Santa Clara University, 2006). They compromise the merit and fail the competent that appear in the selection process. In addition to selection, the favorite people in the workplace are awarded promotion and other benefits which other workers usually not getting. Furthermore, they are given less work and they also get good scores in the annual performance report. In the case of Mary Smith it is also observed. She is the daughter of one of the firms' founder. She makes the working environment unprofessional, lacks necessary skills, remain late in the submission of work and also frustrate other colleagues. As a supervisor, I had noticed these things. In the first phase, I had directly talked to the Mary Smith. In result, situation remained same so I decided to take official action. So, in the second phase I wrote letter to the management of firm and informed all ill effects of this situation.

Job Description of Administrative Assistant

In every office, there is different working environment. It depends upon many factors like the nature of organization, practices in organization, number of staff and so on. In our organization, according to the nature of working, the administrative assistant should perform the following functions clerical services.

The administrative assistant has to provide effective support in the office and ensure accurate manner and up to date documentation. It includes the typing of reports, correspondence and all other documents which are moving from our office. The administrative assistant has to maintain all the files of office and keep them in the best suitable way. She is also responsible to distribute and receive the mails on daily basis and make sure there is no mail in the pending. In case of any damage in the office, she has to inform the authorities and take necessary actions which make the smooth office environment.

There are many sensitive and confidential records and files in the office which must be kept under the carpet. She may be called during the preparation of policies and procedures of office and has to assist the team whatever she has experienced in the office. It is her responsibility to dispatch the invitation letters to the board members whenever there is Board meeting (MACA, 2005).

Mary Smith Caused Following problems

Mary Smith was appointed according to the above mentioned duties and responsibilities. However, she remained totally fail to fulfill her duties. In the first three week of her working, she made several blunders which not only disturbed the internal office environment, but also the external relations of the office. She lacks necessary computer skills which are essential for the administrative assistant. There is no clarity in the reports and her presentation of material is also very poor. When these official documents are sent to other offices and departments, it creates ...
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