Negotiation And Human Relations

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Negotiation and Human Relations

Negotiation and Human Relations


This paper discusses that how an individual can negotiate to succeed in the work and his or her life. Moreover the human relations in this perspective are also highlighted that from negotiations one can enhance or improve the human relations. This paper has explained the negotiations by portraying some examples as well. Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties with common interests and antagonistic gather to meet and discuss proposals with the explicit aim of reaching an agreement (Yagi & Kleinberg, 2011).


Negotiation is increasingly present in our daily lives. We live in a globalized world, and in a typical environment of change and conflict. This reality of the changing world makes with that gambling interests be shocked, and thus conflicts arise, as well as several other factors that affect the relational process of people in groups and organizations. On these aspects, seek through a clear and objective language, show the importance of negotiation process in this context. The need for skill development trading and urgent services is important because we live in a world of conflicts and game interests. Against addition, the paper presents in brief has discussed the importance of the negotiation, the importance of knowing the objectives of the negotiation, and leads it in the scenario in which it is inserted, and the importance of knowing the business, the negotiation object, the environment and expectations regarding the process and the conflict that involved such negotiations. Not failing to remember the ethics and concessions involving an entire trading process.

For example, I was made the representative of my company for a deal I have to negotiate with the party on the prices of the raw material. For this negotiation of this deal I should know the business of the company so that I can better negotiate with the party. Preparing for a negotiation process should take into account the scenarios involve negotiation. The scenarios will be used to run simulations and thereby anticipating possible outcomes. For the price negotiation of the provision of services, for example, in a period inflation, mounting scenarios with low, medium and high inflation is necessary to have a vision of what can happen in the three scenarios, and from there, make corrections necessary to obtain the fairest price for both parties. People who are involved in the negotiation should have full knowledge of deal to avoid a failure of the intended goals. No needs to appoint people who know the business so that they discuss, consider, analyze and make decisions more agreed (Tajfel, 2010). If lay people are given to negotiate, the risk of not having a good trading is very large, because they do not know the business, and sometimes, not the subject involved at any given time. If this happens, it is possible that the person who has prepared to negotiate a good deal to do, not by their own knowledge and virtues, but the weakness of the other ...
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