Negative Influence Of Smoking Bans

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Negative Influence of Smoking bans

Negative Influence of Smoking bans

Everyone in their right mind is aware that smoking is bad for them and their health. It has been estimated through a study conducted by National Toxicology Program that secondhand smoke contains 250 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer. It has also been observed that tobacco has more than 50 direct cancer causing chemicals (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). It is simply not the responsibility of the college to impose any kind of such bans, however, throughout the country, to police a habit that is legal, leaves it as a matter of personal choice.

Pennsylvania a while back, passed a smoking ban state wide, which really was meant to outlaw smoking in the public places, except for the bars. And to the surprise of many law makers, the education board than later applied the ban to all the public universities of the state. Similarly, a survey conducted to obatain views about student and faculty regarding ban on campus smoking reveal that majority of the participants believe that smoking and second hand smoke both are injurious to health (University of Michigan, 2008). Scott Conklin for the ABC news said that the bill was basically intended to outlaw smoking in most of the indoor places. The hundred thousand students were informed about the ban just a day before when it was in effect, and now they have to go all the way off campus in order to have a smoke for a couple of minutes or so. Also, all the campus employees must also go off campus in order to grab a smoke, whose unions were not consulted about the decision of the school board (Time Magazine, n.d.). Yes the ban provides a breath of fresh air ...
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