So much information about adverse effects of alcohol, smoking and texting is known. Yet, a large number of people condone what is known to them. Overlooking the negative effects of alcohol can turn the alcohol into a deadly weapon. Alcohol can cause deaths, diseases, and family problems.
Alcohol can also cause many diseases. When you drink too much of an alcohol, you get hallucinations and memory losses. Alcohol specifically affects the control centers of the brain. If people do not get help for alcoholism, the condition could be debilitated.
Texting while driving impairs driving skills more than being drunk or high, according to new research carried out by the UK's Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) for the roadside assistance organisation, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC).
About 50 million people in the United States alone currently smoke a total of 570 billion cigarettes each year. In each one of these cigarettes there are around 4000 different chemicals, some of which are highly toxic.
Because of the rapid growth and demand for cell phones many more accidents are occurring daily. Cell phone use in cars serve some good purposes too and have become a part of life to some individuals, so it s simple to see that we can t just ban them from cars all together.
So much information about adverse effects of alcohol, smoking and texting is known. Yet, a large number of people condone what is known to them. Overlooking the negative effects of alcohol can turn the alcohol into a deadly weapon. Alcohol can cause deaths, diseases, and family problems.
Drinking, Smoking & Texting
Alcohol can end your life in a matter of a second. According to, Alcoholism: New Insights on Old Problem, more than 100,000 Americans die from alcohol related causes (1). In fact, alcohol related deaths are five times greater than the number killed by all illicit drugs combined. When a person imbibes an alcohol, he or she becomes disoriented. When people drive under this condition, they expose themselves to a great danger. In addition, women become more easily intoxicated from alcohol than men more (2). In result, women get themselves killed from an alcohol than males.
Alcohol can also cause many diseases. When you drink too much of an alcohol, you get hallucinations and memory losses. Alcohol specifically affects the control centers of the brain. If people do not get help for alcoholism, the condition could be debilitated. It could eventually lead to Korsakoff's syndrome of which symptoms would be mental confusion, hallucinations, and paralysis of hands and feet . This disease can get worse than they already have.
Finally, alcohol can lead to poor family relationship. ¡°Alcohol and Family¡± states that American research found that 49% of child abusers were drinking of the time of the offense and 34% were heavy drinkers (1). Alcoholics tend to abuse children just to make themselves feel better. In 1997, Institute of Alcohol Studies estimated that there are likely to be one million children in Britain living with ...