Need Assessment

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Athlete's Need Assessment

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Athlete's Need Assessment


Our paper will focus on the needs assessment of athletes in the field of gymnastics and make recommendations to fill the gaps of their unfulfilled needs. We will perform the task of need assessment of a cricketer who has been in the field since the year 1997. His routine training sessions have been very irregular and ineffective, as he perceives it, to meet his physiological needs. In an attempt to determine where it came from such a "psychological capacity" and to respond to other questions about the psychological aspects of sports training.

Sports Today

The sport is gaining a different light after check and discovering of new edges that are organized in the form of Athletic Training Planning and other sciences which are taxable to it. The developments of science and technology and specifically genetics are taking vigorous steps for processing in future years of the new developments in existing models of sports training planning (Strong, 1968, pp. 215). Although the induction process of young athletes sports, can be used efficiently, since most of the competitions for these categories are made in one or two core competencies in the year, there being a reasonable time between competitions, allowing this to develop a reliable scheduling for both fundamental appointments (Phillips, 2005, pp. 5).

Sports Psychology

The study of sports psychology can at the turn of the 20th Century can be traced back to the investigation examined reaction time, the psychological benefits of play, transfer, training, and the effect of sport participation in a person's character and personality. Although Applied Sport Psychology is an exciting, promising area, researchers and practitioners need to charge to the applied sport psychology in that is parallel to the increased interest in applying sport psychology is the need to improve and protect the welfare of sports and nonathletic consumers sport psychology services. According to Smith (1989), includes the issue of accountability but not limited to continuing building up the physical sport psychology knowledge and effective delivery of sport psychology services.

Performing Needs Assessment

One of the most important aspects that the researcher has to take into account when establishing how the process should be developed assessment of psychological factors related to sports, is that many of the records used, especially those who do referred to cognitive factor, have not been designed specifically for Psychology of Sport, but are the result of adaptations tools from other more general areas of psychology, as may be the clinical psychology or behavioural psychology (Phillips, 2005, pp. 7).While performing the needs assessment, measures based on the fact that an important determinant of mental readiness is the magnitude of the need to achieve planned results and assessment of the competitive athlete with the likelihood of achieving results. Therefore, adjusting the size and needs assessment of the likelihood of success, the coach can optimize the athlete's mental state during the competition.

Prerequisites for the application of control inputs

In situations of BASES probationary sport psychologist, not only help the athlete in maintaining a mood to effective ...
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