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Research Papers on Geology

Geology is usually revolving around what the land is made up of, keeping in context of a natural perspective. What kind of rocks are present in the ground and how those rocks or layers of rocks became part of the land. With the help of Researchomatic’s largest database of research papers on Geology, students can get help to comprehend their ideas in a better and logical manner.

Abstract In this research we try to discover the insight of “Gaia Theory” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Gaia Theory” and its relation with “Earth”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Gaia Theory” and tries to measure its effect. Lastly the research illustrates ...
String Theory
String Theory Introduction about the String Theory The String theory is a vigorous study outline in atom physics that try to settle quantum technicalities as well as general relativity. The theory is a contestant of TOC that is a hypothesis of everything, a mode of unfolding the notorious essential forces as well ...
Abstract In this research we try to discover the insight of “Florida Keys” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Florida Keys” and it's “Geographic Make Up”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Florida Keys”. Lastly the research illustrates a variety of characteristics of “Florida ...
The Mesozoic Era
The Mesozoic Era The Mesozoic Era Introduction The Mesozoic era (Mesozoic, from the Greek) is the length of time in geological history of Earth from 220-240 million to 63-69 million years ago, one of the three eras of the Phanerozoic. This is the second of the Precambrian era of geological history of ...
The Extinction Of The Dinasours
The Extinction of the Dinasours The dinosaurs have appeared on earth about 240 million years ago, almost simultaneously with the appearance of the mammals (what is often forgotten!). And we are told they have reigned supreme until their sudden disappearance and total there are 65 million years. Dinosaur comes from the ...
Martian Rocks
MARTIAN ROCKS Petrogenesis of Martian Rocks Abstract Life most likely appeared on Earth more than 4 billion years ago. In order to understand how it appeared, it is necessary to study the most ancient rocks containing traces of life. Mars, known sometimes as the Red Planet, is the fourth planet of the Solar ...
Earth Condition
EARTH CONDITION Current Condition of the Earth Current Condition of the Earth Introduction Currently, geological disturbances, geophysical and climate of the Earth are deteriorating at a rapid pace.  Majority of people from different departments have been actively taking actions to make people aware of the potential impacts of the current deterioration on Earth existence. ...
Island Arc
Island Arc Island arc volcanic rocks and MORB [Name of Student] Island arc volcanic rocks and MORB Introduction The topic under study is based on the people's perception by comparison of Fe (3+)/Fe (2+) in Island arc volcanic rocks and MORB. People conclude that mantle wedge is more oxidized than mantle source of MORB. ...
Genetically Modified Foods
GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Modified Foods Introduction Genetically Modified Foods are referred to the crops that are developed for the animal and human consumption by using the latest molecular biology techniques. These crops are modified in the laboratory for enhancing their traits which will help in resisting the herbicides improves the ...
Petroleum Geochemistry
PETROLEUM GEOCHEMISTRY Discussion on Petroleum Geochemistry Journal Table of Contents Why was the Study Done?2 Have the Authors Adequately Reviewed Existing Research?3 Was there a clearly Defined Question?3 What Study Design was used?4 Was the Design Right for the Question?5 Were Measurements Free from Bias?5 Was the Study Ethical?6 Are the Conclusions Justified?7 Discussion on Petroleum Geochemistry Journal Why was ...
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