Beliefs, values and attitudes continuously interface with those of others like peers, friends, learners or family. It is general behavior of the human being that they like those people only who share their beliefs and values. It is clear that balancing the value system makes a successful relationship whether it is personal, professional or educational. Attitudes are defined as learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. This includes the evaluation of events, people, objects and issues. Evaluations can be positive or negative and they can also be uncertain at times. Attitudes are formed by the result of the experience. Attitudes may emerge due to direct personal experience or they can also be the result of observation. Attitudes are highly influenced by the social roles and social norms. Social roles means how people must behave in specific role and social norms includes rules of the societies that what behaviors are accepted in the society (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2007).
Beliefs and value are developed since the initial years of life and they are adopted from family, society and religion. As mentioned above it is easy for a person to make friends and build relationship with those who have same beliefs and values. The main role in the development of beliefs and attitudes towards other is because of the race, gender, socio economic group, region and religious beliefs. The culture of our family is; African, Christian by religion and gender is male and immigrant to America. There are no such differences in the family. The history of my family is that forefather came in America in 16th century when many African migrated to America. Since then the family is staying in America and now considered as American citizens (Myers, 1999).