Natural Selection Of Population

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Natural Selection Of Population


This essay talks about the ways in which natural selection of a population can be affected. The natural selection is the eventual, direct process by which the genes in a population increase or decrease in a population as function of disparity mating of their carriers. This paper looks into the ways in which the natural selection can affect a population over a period of time. The ways in which this happens is directional, disruptive and stabilizing selection. Each way talks about the uniqueness of the distribution of the genes and phenotypes. The paper basically describes the population dynamics and how the distribution has shaped due to genetic factors. The traits of a particular individual play an important role in the determination of whether that particular trait possessing group population will survive. The distribution of population is dependent on the fitness of that particular trait or characteristic.

Natural Selection of Population


Selection is a process that results in the rise or fall of frequency of genes. Natural selection is a process by which the environment shapes a population's genetic and phenotypic characteristics in a way that its inheritors become more accustomed to that specific surrounding. The positive natural selection is the way that drives the existence of beneficial traits and has played an integral role in the development of species (Sabetti, 2006, p.1614-1620). Natural selection happens if three requirements are fulfilled:

There is distinction in a trait in the people that belong to a population.

The distinction in the trait, to some extent is hereditary. The gene is passed from the individual to the offspring.

The distinction in traits has an impact on the health, life cycle, fertility and reproducing capacity.

If these requirements are met, then the incidence of the trait in the population will increase its ability in numbers and factor wise. This will enable the generations to multiply, keeping in mind that the environment is not changed in a way that it introduces new tensions to which the population is not used to.


Selection happens in reaction to particular environmental factors (Débarre & Gandon, 2011). The effect of natural selection on the genetic makeup and evolution of living things is complex. Natural selection can decrease the genetic modification in the populations of living things by choosing for or against a particular gene or gene mix which leads to directional selection. It can increase the genetic modification in populations by choosing for or opposing genes or gene mixes which leads to disruptive selection or stabilizing selection. The three ways in which the natural selection can affect a population is:

Directional Selection

This is when some part of a trait is hereditary; selection will modify the occurrence of the different deviations of the gene that produces the deviations of the trait. Selection can be categorized into three divisions, on the basis of its effect on modified occurrences. Directional selection happens when a specific gene has a greater health than others, causing an increase in its occurrence (Leonormand, 2002, p.183-189). This process can happen till the ...
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