National Health Service (Nhs)

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National Health Service (NHS)

National Health Service (NHS)


England is one of the countries with the best system of international health because most of its inhabitants have access to quality health. England has health systems with l public health system (NHS) and private healthcare. And it's only place in the world where nurses can prescribe medications and invests a total of 8.4% of their income. Thus, the following essay is going to analyze the recent or the forthcoming organizational changes of the National Health Service in Britain with the crisis it faces and the measures it has taken to solve them.


Introduction about National Health Service in Britain (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS) is responsible for public health in Britain. Services provided include hospitals, family doctors, specialists, dentists, pharmacists, opticians and ambulances.

Not all services are free. Patients pay for drugs, vision screenings, glasses and dental treatment. Hospitalization, ambulance service and medical consultations are free.

The British NHS was the first organization in the world in providing health care to all people. Today has serious structural problems, waiting lists, even for emergency operations, it is necessary to wait a couple of months and hospitals have advanced technology but have deteriorated since the service is bad to regulate.

The National Health Service or NHS is the health service that provides universal and free coverage to 59 million people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, virtually the entire British population using medical services in National Health Service.

Created in 1948, the British health system is recognized worldwide for its universal coverage, high quality primary care, the success of its cost-containment strategies and the optimal degree of self and professional development at every level has reached service. (Best.1980)

The NHS also plays an important role in assessing the requirements for community care and social services deriving British to all patients discharged who still need extra care. Thus, there have been some changes that happen to the organization.

Management Change Theories and Effectiveness with NHS

Mckinsey's 7 Model Theory

McKinsey's 7 Model is the management model, which describes the seven factors of the organization in a holistic and effective way. Together, these factors determine how the corporation operates. Managers must consider all seven factors, in order to ensure the successful execution of strategy. The components of the 7 Model are the Shared Values, Strategy, Structure, Systems, Staff, Style and Skills. This Model helps in the diagnostic tool for the analysis of inefficient institutions, directs organizational change, combines rational and emotional elements with specific and unspecific and the managers must deal with all the S parallel, since they are all interrelated.

Kotter's Eight Steps Change Model

John Paul Kotter was born in 1948. He is a professor at Harvard Business School. It is considered an authority on leadership and change. Kotter has presented the 8 steps Change Model that states the following factors:

1) Create an atmosphere of urgency (having studied the market situation, the competitive position of the company, identifying and analyzing the real and potential crises and opportunities)

2) Form a ...
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