My Vision On Nursing Leadership

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My Vision on Nursing Leadership

My Vision on Nursing Leadership

The personal and professional development is important not only to evolve personally but also professionally (Anna, C., 2000). The individuals that, on the continual basis, develop their skills tend to achieve the competitive positions in the industry are rendered as successful. Leaders are the foremost personalities that need changes in behavior and flexibility according to situations (David & Vivien, 2003).

Key Concepts of Vision

Leaders expect that workers will maintain pace with workload. Because of these working dynamics, work becomes a time-consuming part of an individual's routine life. Naturally, workers tend to seek meaning and purpose in their work, internalizing altruistic values. Kolodinsky and colleagues argued that such altruistic notions are significant in order to promote work ethics in organizations today (Kolodinsky et al., 2008). In order to obtain these values, work ethics revolve around providing exemplary care to the sick and those in need of support. Also to tackle the situation or leading the change in a hospital scenario or any health care setup.

Working with a multidisciplinary team can be challenging. However, as a nurse I am adequately equipped with maintaining effective channels of communication with my team members and external agencies, as my job requires. The job of a nurse is considerably difficult, given the long working hours and unpredictable nature of work, for instance, cases of emergency. With the wealth of experience I have accumulated over years, time management is a skill I have learned and developed over time - a skill that I deeply cherish. Prioritizing workload and adapting to diverse situations in the workplace is my forte.

Confidentiality is of paramount importance in the nursing profession since any breach of confidentiality shatters the bond between the nurse and the patient. Leader or a boss has more responsibility to ensure that all the staff working under his or her supervision is maintaining confidentiality or not. Furthermore, it violates legalization for which the nurse can be held accountable. A nurse must maintain a resolute sense of work ethics, paying particular attention to respecting patient choices of care and privacy.

Communication is vital to personal and professional growth in any career. The effective communication skill is a great weapon of a leader. If he or she knows how to communicate with his employees or the people that are working with him then he can easily manage his or her tasks. A nurse must be adept at culturally sensitive communication.

Importance of Nursing

Nursing is an extremely important and one of the few fundamental premises of medicine all across the globe. It is defined as “the profession in medicine that comprises of provision of care to the sick and unwell” (Masters, 2013 P.4). In the current medical practices, researches show that patients who receive prompt nursing care have a higher tendency to heal at a much faster pace. Nursing, could therefore be termed as the most fundamental component concerned with the care of a patient. The assessment of the nurse is the most vital and ...
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