My Own Personal Model For Helping

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My Own Personal Model for Helping

My Own Personal Model for Helping


Helping others is the most essential element for the councilor or the therapist. It is required the councilor or the therapist must have these basic skills. Carl Roger provide various measures to bring effectiveness in this and o analyze and assess one own personality first (Rogers, 2007). The basic requirements of a councilor or helper are to be efficient and possess the best qualities in one's own personality. Apart from this it is essential for a helper to be in perfect mental and physical health. All these qualities in the personality of helper requires proper assessment, so the helper should know about his qualities and could help others by utilizing his own personal qualities rather than having his weaknesses in creating hindrance in the process (Perez, 1979; Seligman, 1995). This proves the fact that to be effective councilor it is the basic requirement that a helper must posses some basic and essential characteristics of effective helper.

Thesis Statement

To be an effective helper or councilor it is necessary to evaluate my own personal model for helping.


To become an effective helper or an effective councilor requires the proper understanding of the meaning of helping others . Parrot provides all these qualities and pitfalls to analyze while conducting self-appraisal (Parrot, L. 2003). The most important fact is that if we are going to help others it is most essential that we must not require help in the same context. This can be clearly understand with the example that if a person is himself depressed how can he help others to get rid of the depression. This requires complete and thorough evaluation of one's personality and to look for the strengths and weaknesses. Barz also provides various concerns that are required to bring improvement in the qualities of an effective helper (Barz, 2001). This emphasize need to have one's own personal model for helping. In this it requires to assess the qualities according to this model required for helping.

My Own Personal Model for Helping

My own personal model for helping requires assessing various concerns related to my personality and other concerns that can be helpful in my later performance and providing counseling for the others. There are some questions that must be answered to provide the proper understanding of this field and prove to be the better and eligible candidate for this field. Neukrug also discussed various trends that are essential in the human services by becoming an effective helper this provides the need to do the proper assessment of the personality traits and the qualities in ones personality (Neukrug, 2012).

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