My Family

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My Family

My Family

Far West

One of my uncles who lived in the Far West along with his family and kids often came to meet us. The time he spent with us was full of his stories related to his part of the world, the way he lived, how he coped up with the problems and even the benefits he and his family acquired.

One of the most ensured terms quoted by my uncle is that the world has changed since we were young. People focused on family bonding, doing jobs in order to make the family has dinner, finding happiness in a small thing. Despite the fact, that earning was not much in those days even t hen living in a small house never matter. Working hard and earning less acceptable. On the other hand, taking the present era into consideration people are hungrier for money, now we work less, but even then we tend to make more money as we use to do in the early days (Etulain and Richard, 1996).Some of the challenges he narrated that he faced in his early days enlisted below:

Violence was at peak in the in the 60's, assassination of the president of the United States of America created confrontational attitude all across the country. There were killings; there were protestors all over the place. There was tight security In order to stop the protestors' tight security, killing of Innocent people; people had fear and seldom left their vicinity. This confrontational attitude was one of the main problems faced by my uncle and he also never allowed his children to leave the home even if they want to play outside. An era had a lot of issues faced by a number of people out of which my uncle was one of them. The fear was so captivating that he often thought if leaving the place and shifting some other place as not only his but the life of his family was also in danger. Due to the violence the education of my cousins and my uncle's job also affected (Bennett and Lerone, 1982).

Another major issue face by my uncle and his family related to the racism. People often segregated one another on the base of the race they belong. Due to the racism issue people not given jobs easily, there was a lot of discrimination. So much so that children in schools also humiliated on t he bases of race or even color. Once my uncle went for an interview for a job in one of the finest places where he lived, as he reached the office not allowed to enter the place he saw a long line of people not allowed to enter the office and all of them were black. My uncle while narrating this episode to my family, said that he was clearly sure then that a serious revolt against racism was surely in the pipe line.

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