My Approach To Learning

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My Approach to Learning

Meta-Cognition Approach

Meta-cognition is the knowledge about the particular strategies which teaches to handle a problem. It develops the problem solving skill. It is the ability which builds up the instinct in person about his knowledge and traits. However, it is also called as the thinking about the thoughts; it is the knowledge about your control and the way you manipulate your own cognitive process.

Meta-cognitive Knowledge

The meta-cognitive knowledge is the study of the general information, in which a person learns how human beings process the information, as well as individual learns about his intake of the information and process of transformation. Meta-cognitive skill does not only know about your abilities, but also to know about where to use it actively in a strategic way to get the goals meet. This ability to use your knowledge strategically and appropriately is also linked to the intelligence. However, this executive process involves planning, implementing, evaluating and monitoring the problem solving activities.

Meta-Cognitive Approach to Academic Learning

In my course of meta-cognitive approach to learning I have learnt many different strategies to manage myself. This course has taught me to become self directed learner by developing my ability to determine which meta-cognitive strategy is appropriate according to the specific learning style. The clear understanding of the traits develops an understanding of the self-directed learner like, motivation, goal oriented, self-efficacy, locus of control, self recognition, time management, presentation skills, etc. I am going to highlight my learning individually on each of the skill I have learnt

Academic Success

The study of meta-cognitive approach clarify that these strategies are helpful in decreasing the anxiety and improving the student's individual performance. The studies further shows that the teachers style of teaching in collaboration with the class atmosphere results in the demotion of the anxiety. However, the meta-cognitive skills accelerate the individual understanding of the self abilities, which helps in understanding the pressure individual can bare.

Moreover, this course has taught me how to tolerate pressure and meet deadlines. I know what my capabilities are and how can I perform the painstaking task. With the help of this course, I came to know about my expertise, and areas of my interest. Which ultimately will helped me altered my initial vision. I started focusing on what I can achieve in real; thus I develop a strategy which was aligned with my areas of perfectionism.

Time Management

Time management skills which I have learned from this course, was the outline of the effective usage of time, which means reaching the objective and the goal within the time period. I am able to reach my objective without the losing time when I started to study. However, the lack of this time management's cost is undoubtedly very high. This skill should be developed in an individual at the very initial phase. Besides being effective with the time, I am focusing on building my skills to be well before time and not on time. However, this is going to help me in the long run, and for ...
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