Multisystem Failure

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Multisystem Failure

Multisystem Failure


An immediate assessment of Mrs. Baker should include a rapid trauma evaluation with immediate interventions as each system is evaluated. Airway: Is she breathing, any obstructions? Her airway should be place in a position to keep her airway patent. It is noted that she is breathing.Breathing: Does she have effective breathing, what is the quality and rate of her respirations? It is noted in her evaluation that she is having difficulty breathing. Her breathing should be immediately assisted. Circulation: Does she have a pulse? If so, noting the quality and rate. Any obvious sign of bleeding and what is her skin color? A large bore IV should be placed at this time. On arrival it was noted that her pulse was elevated. Disability: Is the she alert and oriented? It is noted that she is currently unresponsive.Full set of vitals: Immediately on arrival Mrs. Baker will need a pulse, Blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, pain level and oxygen saturation documented.

While obtaining this information she should be placed on a cardiac monitor to note her current cardiac rhythm. She may have had cardiac event, observation for any dysrhythmias and ST changes are imperative. A 12 lead EKG should be obtained. A continuous pulse ox to monitor her oxygen exchange should also be placed. And repeating blood pressure every 5 min to monitor any fluctuation or trending in her vitals noting her mean arterial pressure. She m possibly be placed on a Co2 detector to evaluate her Co2 levels.Mrs. Baker will need immediate lab results. Firstly at the bedside, glucose, depending on her history of diabetes, she may simply be hypoglycemic which would be easily rectified with glucose. She will also need a CBC, CMP, Lactate, urinalysis, Cardiac Markers and an arterial blood gas.

Since the steps have to be taken very quickly because she has entered the emergency as a case of multisystem failure we can't wait for some one to come and verify or register her and because at this stage they might not be capable of responding to all the questions as we saw that Mrs. Baker had been having difficulties with breathing and later on she became unresponsive, but she was able to tell most of the problems she has been going through. And according to her previous history related with hypertension and diabetes she is going through depression and can also face problems with her appetite and sleep problems. And ...
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