Multicultural Issues

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Multicultural Issues Affecting Brazilian Children

Multicultural Issues Affecting Brazilian Children


The basic education in Rio de Janeiro is wrong, not only by lack of resources. The problems consist not only that not all go to school, that what they learn is not always relevant, many repeat the year and drop out early, that teachers are underpaid and do not receive sufficient support and training. There is permeating all of this, a climate of frustration, discouragement and demoralization, which often explodes in protest and nonconformity, which is not enough, however, to give rise to a movement actually renewing education in the state. The cultural spectrum is diverse and varied. This paper will deal with difference and similarities between the Education System in Québec (Canada) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Definition of Terms

Multiculturalism is defined as an ideology that recognizes the linguistic and cultural diversity within a society. While this study will be focusing mainly on the previous definition, multiculturalism can also be defined as the policy of maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a society together with a commitment to the preservation of the society as a whole (Binder, 2000). In relative terms, the resources used in recent years in hiring and paying staff, renovation and construction of new schools, as well as CIEPs of the program have been quite significant, although clearly insufficient in terms of ideals. A proper diagnosis of the conditions of basic education in the state, and defining an appropriate strategy for government action, not only should allow a more effective use of available resources, but mainly the reversal of the current climate of frustration and discouragement, the mobilization of talents and skills that the State has, and, thereafter, the use of meaningful experiences from other regions and countries, additional resources from various sources, and the gradual improvement of the educational system. There are no magic formulas that can radically transform the short term an educational system of these proportions, and suffering the impact of socio-economic conditions external to them, but that so deeply affect. It should be possible, however, make the education system is no longer a passive victim of the difficult socio-economic, institutional and cultural contexts in which we live, and go to one more element in its modification and improvement. Similarly, Multicultural Education implies an inclusive teaching/learning process that educates everyone about the multicultural nature of society. Education that should be, free of stereotyping, racism, sexism, prejudice, discrimination, builds on shared values, but at the same time accepts that there are many different expressions of similar values and allows full development of the potential and critical abilities of all children regardless of their 'differences' (Bieger, 2006).

Defining Multiculturalism

Psychology as a basis for multicultural education research has often been focused on how cultural mismatches or deficits can affect the interactions and cognitive abilities of the students in a negative way in regards to self-esteem and 18 learning success (Banks & Banks, 1999)). This research concludes that the behaviors, learning styles, motivation, and cognitive development of students ...
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