Motivation And Team Management

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Motivation and Team Management by Superstore Manager

Motivation and Team Management by Superstore Manager


Managers have a major responsibility of managing its employees along with their performances. The performance level of those employees determines the ultimate success or failure of employees. Both ends of this chain have to be motivated in order to produce good results. Employees agree to the fact that the motivation level of their managers affects them in a positive way. Hence, it becomes necessary to keep the motivation level high and good performance of the workforce.

The motivational theories explain the individual determination of an individual and his performance accordingly. The motivational theories explain the amount of efforts and the way to which that is directing an individual. Those theories are further sub-divided as content, process, behavioural and others. The amount of effort, its direction and further continuation is explained by these theories. These explain different parts of motivation that make up the entire process.


There are different ways of motivating employees. The ways to motivate employee differ according to the workplace and tasks that the employees need to do. This theory was explained in Maslow's hierarchy of needs that for someone satisfied with the basic necessities wouldn't be motivated with additional food and shelter provision (Maslow 1943, p. 370-396). There are some process theories that explain the issues regarding the way of doing work and its sustainability over time. It defines the factors that can help in determining degree of effort, its continuity and modification in that effort level. There process theory includes equity theory, expectancy theory, social cognitive theory and goal setting theory (Lindner 2003, p. 1-8).

Process Theories

Equity Theory

As evident by the name, this theory suggests that the employees are always looking for comparisons of their level of work against the level of rewards they get. They also judge it according to the comparisons of efforts and rewards of their fellow workers. The employees make up their minds according to what they perceive or observe around them. If they think, there is significant difference between the level of efforts that they put in their work and the efforts that the fellow workers are putting in their work, then they are likely to be de-motivated. In this scenario, either they will try to lessen down their own work or expect others to increase their level of work. Thus, they will attempt to bring equality of effort for everyone by their act. They perform similar act regarding their rewards. So, the managers have to perform this task of creating transparency among their teams and provide them with fair rewards on equitable basis. He must also try to reduce the inequities, if any, as soon as possible (Pinder 2008).

The equity theory puts forward that motivation arises with fairness in their works and rewards. It begins when social comparisons take place by the employees. The equality of inputs and outputs is sought by the employees in line with their fellow ...
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