Mother Teresa - An Analysis Of Ethics

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Mother Teresa - An analysis of Ethics


Mother Teresa's philosophy as based on the idea that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference and should never be considered a drop in the ocean. She had all the humanitarian qualities and she is famous for each one of them. Most of the work that has been done on the woman either tries to applaud her for all the work that she has done during her life or criticize her for her long held faltered beliefs. This paper, however, talks about the ethical beliefs and practices of the woman. It examines whether her behavior was consistent and whether or not her behavior, conduct and her philosophies are ethical enough to be followed as a legacy.

Mother Teresa - An analysis of Ethics


Mother Teresa was born in Calcutta, India on August 26, 2010. She was an Albanian by blood and she is Indian by nationality. She was a catholic and always held religion very close to her heart. She is also referred to as saints. She had all the humanitarian qualities and she is famous for each one of them. Most of the work that has been done on the woman either tries to applaud her for all the work that she has done during her life or criticize her for her long held faltered beliefs (Loudon, 2006). This paper, however, talks about the ethical beliefs and practices of the woman. It examines whether her behavior was consistent and whether or not her behavior, conduct and her philosophies are ethical enough to be followed as a legacy.

Mother Teresa's Philosophy

Mother Teresa's philosophy as based on the idea that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference and should never be considered a drop in the ocean. The ocean only becomes ocean with the amalgamation of the little drops in the ocean. Hence, it is very likely that we may not be able to help many people with our resources. However, we may use all of our resources to help as many as we can. She believed that the purpose of life is to help others around us. This is the basic human duty of each one of us (Loudon, 2006). This, she knew was not easy. It takes a lot for a man to give up something he so wants in order to help someone else, someone who is related to us through humanity. Her life is an embodiment of her struggle to try and help the less fortunate.

Ethical beliefs and practices

To some, the beliefs held by Mother Teresa seem highly unethical. Mother Teresa talked about the small Irritations with good humor. She expressed that this is a situation where people must realize that trouble is as much a part of reality and life as is good times. This very belief leads to the development of humility. Men are all created the same and they all have the right to share in this world's ...
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