Most Common Substance Abuse In U.S

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Most Common Substance Abuse in U.S

Most Common Substance Abuse in U.S


Substance abuse is the use of any substance for harmful purposes. People use different substance or drugs to alter their pattern of mood or to modify their thinking, mind set, emotions and behaviors this substance can cause severe health problems. Intake of these substances can also cause lack of performance and disturbance in relationships ( the substances which are used to elevate the mood and behavioral patterns are called as psychoactive and include alcohol, tobacco and other synthetic substances. Few years ago these products were manufactured from plants like cocaine was produced from coca bush; heroin was extracted from opium poppies, and hashish or marijuana from cannabis. These days the drugs are made from the synthetic elements like ecstasy and LSD.

The substance abuse is not only prevailing in the US, but it is spreading globally in both rich and poor countries. There is no discrimination of nation, ethics, age, religion and gender between the people who are involved in substance abuse. The drug addict can be a highly educated person or can be an illiterate homeless man (


Classes of drugs


Alcohol is the top most abused substance in the United States. Nearly quarter of the population uses alcohol, and among them 6% people are heavy drinkers. Alcohol is basically an organic compound, and it is being used in the world since ancient times ( Intake of the excess amount of alcohol can affect every organ of the body. It can cause many serious problems like liver disease, cancer, coronary heart disease, nervous system disorder, and brain disorders. Alcohol directly affects the liver, and its effect is of two ways. Alcoholic hepatitis, in which the inflammation of the liver occurs. Cirrhosis of liver; in which the liver cells are degraded, and scar cells takes their place (SAD).


It is the most popular drug in the US (Jamie, F. 2009). It is a psychoactive drug and is extracted from cannabis Sativa plant. It is a mixture of 408 ingredients among which THC mainly produces the psychoactive effect. Marijuana is smoked like a cigarette or mixed wit tea. THC affects the activity of neurons and creates the learning and memory issues, thinking and problem solving, lack of motor control.

Its physical effects are different on different people, but some common effects are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flushing, dry mouth, tremor, happiness, talkativeness and ...
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