Alcoholism and the Effects it has on Families in Central Harlem
Alcoholism is one of the most common health problems that touch life of every individual in the family, child, community, and congregation. The influence of substance abuse and alcohol abuse on families, children, and communities are dreadful in a manner like: negligence of family, abuse, mirage dissolution, violence on family and children, financial strains, low or poor performance, injuries, incarceration, crimes, joblessness, increased cost of health care, increased physical problems, and crashers of motor vehicles. This research paper entails the detailed research on the alcoholism and its effects on the families of Central Harlem. This research papers explains in the details that how alcoholism is inducing effect on the parenting style and child maltreatment. Table of Content
Parenting Practices and Relationship of Child and Parent6
Child Maltreatment and Alcohol Abuse7
Physical Abuse8
Emotional Abuse8
Sexual Abuse9
Family Violence9
Strategies for Prevention of Alcohol Abuse10
Alcoholism and the Effects it has on Families in Central Harlem
Thesis statement: Alcoholism induces effects on parenting style and child maltreatment.
Harlem lies in the northern section of the New York City brought, and is amongst one of the largest neighborhoods. Since the time of 1920s it is considered to be holding one of the largest populations of African Americans. Harlem is divided into three sections of East Harlem, West Harlem, and Central Harlem. The central Harlem constitutes of largest African American population which is 81% in all of New York City. According to 2001 census the total population of central Harlem was 26% between the ages of 0 to 17 years, 12% was between 18 to 24 years, 32% between the age of 25 to 44 years, 19% between the age group of 45 to 64 years, and 11% of the population was 65 years and above. The ethnicity in the central Harlem constitutes of higher black dwellers which include 67% of Blacks, 19% Hispanics and 8% Whites, 3% Asian, and 3% others. Central Harlem occupies the majority of the residents that are living below the poverty line than any other region in Manhattan and New York City. It occupies 35% of the residents living bellowing the poverty line, while Manhattan has 20% and New York City has 21% of the residents living below the poverty level.
In the United States substance abuse is one of the most common health problem that touches life of every individual in the family, child, community, and congregation. In contrast to the popular perception, the problem of substance abuse in the United States not only results in illegal drug usage like crack cocaine, but also in the form of the recreation known as soft drinks such as marijuana, along with the usage of extra medicine use prescribed by the doctors. The influence of substance abuse and alcohol abuse on families, children, and communities are dreadful in a manner like: negligence of family, abuse, mirage dissolution, violence on family and children, financial strains, absenteeism from school and workplace, low or poor performance, unintentional injuries, incarceration, crimes, joblessness, increased cost of ...