Mosque Conflicts In European Cities

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Mosque Conflicts in European Cities

Mosque Conflicts in European Cities


Recently, negative attitudes have been experienced with regards to the construction of mosques in the world. However, this has become an issue more importantly in the United States mainly because of the September 11 attack that took place. However, this has also occurred in Europe (in France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and even England) besides North America. This paper is about the underlying reasons for anti-mosque protests and the way in which this has resulted in dynamic changes before and after the events of 9/11.


To fight against terrorism and natural incidents, homeland security requires measurable strategic goals, and United States has remained successful in achieving these goals. The term homeland security arose in 2003 by a reorganization of several US government authorities. The aim was to formulate a department to handle homeland security after the terrorist attacks of September 11. Therefore, homeland security is about providing protection to the territory and the population who lives there. The concept extends responsibilities of government agencies towards the national security. The homeland defense includes 187 federal departments and agencies. Activities were designed by George Bush with reference to homeland security. As a result of this, a new department of Homeland Security was established. Most of the homeland security activities remain out of DHS which includes CIA as well as FBI. The term homeland security became common in unites states after the September 11 attacks. Prior to these attacks, it was used in inadequate policy circles. The term "security of the American homeland" appeared in 1998 report known catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy. According to office of management and budget of USA, homeland security finding comprises of 21 % of the consolidated US homeland security . However, besides the US, there are also some other countries that include England which is taking measure to protect the land from any such incident. For this purpose, the countries are also not giving permission for the mosques to be built. This is because they are of the opinion that the Al-Qaeda group plans their goals in the mosque after which they attack the country.

The homeland security was incepted by the national research council, which proposed the establishment of an institution in order to gain access to the crucial capabilities which will ensure an informed decision making following any incident. It is defined by ...
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