Close-Knit Mosque Community

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Close-Knit Mosque Community

Close-Knit Mosque Community

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been issues that have raised controversial debates. In the recent years, the notion of clash of civilization has become more rampant than it was nearly a century ago. The clash between Muslim and Christian communities has become more eminent as a result of the 9/11 attacks. It is the Muslims that have been facing the absurd consequences of the attacks. They have been targeted all over the world. From the religious ideology to practicality, Muslims are being criticized because of their affiliation to the religion. The recent fire in a Mosque in Joplin Missouri is seen as something to provoke the Muslim community. Although, the incident is seen as to have happened because of some unknown reasons, the Muslim community suspects an involvement of miscreants in the act.

This would be the second fire in nearly 5 weeks that burnt the Mosque down. The first incident was witnessed on July 4, 2012 when the building was set ablaze but the fire that engulfed the building on Monday August 6, 2012 was much more devastating than the previous one. The sheriff department is not aware of any reasons that could have caused the inferno. They don't find it to be an arson act, which makes the Close-Knit Mosque Muslim Community believe that the department is hiding something from them. There is a wave of mixed sentiments that has made the community furious about the incident as the first incident of fire on 4th July wouldn't get the due coverage. The Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI) would investigate the first incident.

The surveillance video reviewed by the FBI would should a white male that threw an igniting object towards the roof of the Mosque, which set the roof ablaze. The recent incident is seen by the Close-Knit Mosque Muslim community as an offensive act just like that of 4th July but the police department has yet to collect the evidence. Although, the police department is not ready to consider it arson, the Muslim community is asking for a joint investigation by FBI that could help in identifying the criminal elements behind the incident. The Muslim community has started to raise voice against the incident as they find it an act of oppression and an anti-freedom act that is aimed against the freedom of religion.

The rage is evident because it was the second incident in a month, which has targeted the religious place of Muslims. It is the most sacred place for Muslims to perform their religious activities and an act like that can be devastating for the Muslim community. The Imam, the preacher of the Mosque, would believe that the act was not only offensive for the Muslim community but also something that could be alarming for the entire world as it provides an outlook of religious intolerance that has been growing in the country due to the portrayal of anti-Islamic ideology from the subliminal messages of ...