Moral Philosophy

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Moral Philosophy

Moral Philosophy

1. Identify a particular advertising campaign, either in magazines, on tv, or on the internet. Make sure it is a propaganda advertising campaign, per the definition given in the propaganda advertising notes posted on Moodle. Please do not use any campaign featuring a celebrity, sports figure, or "personality"; and make sure the campaign you choose is a commercial campaign, and not a political or a non-profit campaign for some cause. Finally, please do not use any of the advertising campaigns we have discussed in class. Select one particular ad from the campaign you've identified, and provide an analysis of that ad. This analysis should identify each of the three key elements on a propaganda ad, as given in the Moodle notes. For the first two elements (symbol and meaning), your analysis should be detailed and in-depth, like the analyses we conducted in class of Clairol and Marlboro ads.

Answer 1

An advertising campaign on MacDonald's was identified as there was a worldwide anti MacDonald's day; the reason behind this was the protest against the junk foods. It was claimed that junk food is unhealthy for kids and children are food of going to MacDonald. It was claimed that these fast food restaurants are unethically targeting the children. They have made a habit to depend upon the fast food in USA. The workers faced exploitation as the workers get the food free in the fast food restaurants. Eating fast food makes the person to eat only fast foods and they avoid normal and healthy food. It also causes damage to the environment as children suffer from health problems and they do not understand the healthy meals. Children in states like US have given freedom of their wishes. They are not bound to act on their parent's advice. By looking at their friend or peer going to MacDonald children in the form of groups went to MacDonald to spend their time and having a meal. MacDonald's have global domination around the world , so worldwide children are effecting by having junk food. Now the matter of fact is that people believe that it is unethical to target the children by making such appealing ads so that children feel like having food at MacDonald (McLibel, 2004).

There is a global campaign against MacDonald. The food industry is dominated by the multicultural companies. They exploit consumers for their own profits. They use marketing campaigns to develop the urge of food in consumers. One of the Wells reputed global company's propaganda is now the focus of attention. The campaign against the fast food restaurants worldwide was running around , and they have distributed leaflets and other banners for stop eating the unhealthy food. The French farmers were anti protestors against MacDonald's. The MacDonald's workers also resist in the campaign. This junk food has a lot of side effects such as obesity it's a psychological disorder. Obesity refers to weight gain, and the weigh is gained by eating junk food on a regular ...
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