Human Behavior

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Module 2 - SLP

Module 2 - SLP


Human behavior is an integral part of psychological studies. The working of a human mind has an integral part in shaping of the human behavior. The word behavior was coined in olden times as old as the 16th century, when studies started to originate on the behavior of humans and how the behavior originate and change in an individual with the passage of time. The words has its roots in old English that appeared as old as the 600 AD, reflecting the long history of the term behavior and how it originates as well changes over time in a human being (Crain, 2011).

Human behavior has been one of the most studied chapters in the field of psychology, with extensive theories listed for the origination and functioning of human behavior. After an extensive study of the perspectives of human behavior, human behavior is becoming a subject of study that can be studied in multiple ways. The assignment would take into account the theoretical orientations that the student aligns most closely with and how the theories affect the view with which the student perceives human behavior (Kail, 2004).


After studying the theories of understanding human behavior in detail, there has been a change in the perspective of the student as how human behavior is perceived and judged by him. There are eight major human behavior perspectives that define the human behavior in its true sense, while maintaining a different perspective about it.

1.Systems perspective

2.Humanistic perspective

3.Social behavioral perspective

4.Developmental perspective

5.Psychodynamic perspective

6.Social constructionist perspective

7.Rational choice perspective

8.Conflict perspective

Personally, I align human behavior most closely to the 'Developmental Perspective'. The perspective deals with human behavior on a basis of how human behavior develops and unfolds over the course of his life span. The human behavior is judged and perceived through the stages that have been defined for his behavioral growth on the basis of psychology, biology and social interactions that take place in a individual's life and shape his behavior. As each step comes and passes, changes are recorder in the behavior of an individual. The changes are affected by all these components that are either biological to him or are present in his life through social interaction. As each stage passes, the human behavior changes due to the social roles that is in front of the individual, changing his attitude and behavior in general as well as in specific dimensions (Ardrey, ...
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