Module 1 - Case Assignment - Strategic Importance Of Human Resource Management

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MODULE 1 - Case Assignment - Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management

MODULE 1 - Case Assignment - Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic objectives of any business have a close link with the human resource management. In fact, the HRM is one of the central parts of the strategic goal of an organization. As a matter of fact, part of the human resource management serves as the platform for fulfilling the strategic objectives of business which collectively is known as strategic HRM (Boxall & Purcell, 2003). The long term objectives of an organization are its strategic goals, on which, the influence of HRM is much vivid in terms of efficient planning and overall organizational development. Strategic human resource management requires the formulation of HR policies, objectives and strategies. All in all, these provide ample grounds to the business for the provision of critical capabilities and skills which are need for it in terms of fulfilling the overall objectives (Price, 2011). Based on these, the blue print of strategic human resource management would be in the following pattern:

Blue Print for HR Functions

Before going forward to formulate the outline of strategic human resource management functions, it is relevant to realize that the goal of such approaches is beyond the quantitative calculations. This means that the role of strategic HR objectives is beyond the routine HR activities such as recruitment and selection, payroll, performance management etc. Hence, for strategic objective, the role of ethical and legal consideration becomes pivotal which, by and large, have an impact on the overall objectives of the company from a holistic point of view (Minbaeva et. al., 2009).

Strategic human resource management is far beyond the personnel management, a traditional role of HR. However, the incumbent HR department includes the traditional HR functions ...
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