Mode Of Communication

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Mode of Communication


The purpose of writing the paper is to focus on an organization, which basically promoting and market a set of beliefs to the general public. Therefore, this paper focuses on researching the different ways and options selected by the organization for promotion to the larger community. In this regard, the organization selected is the, who works as the 'Foundation for Better Life'. The organization is a non-profit organization that established in 2000. The sole objective of the organization is enhance and promote positive values and also to encourage the viewers to pass them on. communicates these values through different communication channels, for instance delivering messages through television, movies, billboards, internet and radio (Values, pp.).


The main motive behind running the organization to remind people that they are good, therefore, the messages delivered by Values is just a simple effort to promote the good values to spend a better life.

Ways of Communicating

As per the research, following are the different ways found that used by the Foundation as communication channels;

Billboards and TV public service

As per the foundation policy, the best way for communicating message to the masses and larger community is through the billboards and TV public message. As the Foundation not sell any material nor using any portion of website for profit. Therefore, the visitors who coming to website are welcomed to print the copies of billboards for their personal and private use. Similarly, the Foundation made several announcements available for the public.

School Events

On the other hand, Foundation also focus on the school events, therefore, management has the policy that if the schools request for the billboards or the DVD's of TV commercial, Foundation will provide the relevant material by just filling a form.

TV and Radio

TV and radio, both used for ...
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