Effects Of Advanced Technology On Communication

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Effects of Advanced Technology on Communication


Our modern world is a lot different from, in what our elders or ancient people have lived. We can revere ourselves as blessed individuals with immense gratitude, as this age has provided us with great ease, facilities and conveniences. Over time, the world has made great technological advancements that have totally changed the face of our society. The biggest advancement, according to mankind, the technology has made is with respect to the communication. The modern world had provided us with numerous gadgets to communicate with everyone around the world; something that was considered a dream when the technology had not boomed.


Communications is basically the act of conveying information, and it is a connection allowing access between people and places. Every era had their respective modes of communication, which according to the inhabitants were highly compatible, with respect to their society. As the years progressed, generations passed and world developed, the mode of communication also changed accordingly. As discussed earlier, technology played a pivotal role in changing the modes of our communication, because as the technology evolved, the regions became aware of their surroundings and the rest of the world, and there existed another need of communicating, this time to connect with other parts of the world. Globalization was another step forward towards not only increasing the need of communication but also providing with further assistance in this domain (Marvin, pp.98).

Technological Advancements in Communication

The advanced technology has had direct impacts on communication encompassing all major spheres of society, that is, social, economical and political. The modern technology has provided us with a distinct infrastructure via which the households, as well as the business sector, can effectively communicate with each other.

As the technology progressed, these cable phones were replaced by handsets and cordless phones. Furthermore, the technology provided ...
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